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Encard 09-03-2001 02:59 PM

OOC: It's kind of a make-it-up-as-you-go, RP fantasy thread. Not really sure how to describe it better... Just add what you think is good to the posts other people make, and they'll add to yours, etc. I think... kind of... shrug. That's fairly accurate, I think.

IC: A big, heavy, spiky-looking robot suddenly crashes through the roof of the bar, hits the floor, and explodes. Someone tosses a bucket of water on the flames, and then talking resumes.

Lord of the RaBid Fruit Trees. ChAos rules all! Bwahahahaha...

[This message has been edited by Encard (edited 09-03-2001).]

Lord Shield 09-03-2001 04:11 PM

OOC: Encard is right. Much of the time it's played for laughs though I throw in serious quests sometimes too

ICC: The Daleks are disintegrating some undead while a lich s blasting them away -apparently Abanazzer's Horrd Wilting affects the organism inside the daleks - darn!

Some spectres decide to reach through the armour of the daleks and Energy Drain these things too

In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is pimp.
Lord Raptor's Site

Grinch 09-03-2001 10:41 PM

Ash is utterly amazed at Skye's drunken attempt to lift him,all 280 pounds, over her head. He picks her up off the floor notes that she is looking decidedly green,and is making retching sounds.Once again,thinking quickly,he stuffs her into a convenient crate and sets a crumpled dalek on top of the lid. Indelicate noises are heard from within. Grateful that he avoided getting vomit on his red dragon plate he returns to his pitcher of ale and orders some prime rib,german potatoes, and a blooming onion.


Gwhanos, Lord Of Evil 09-04-2001 12:17 PM


All your base are belong to us! How Are you gentlemen?

Welcome to your doom!!!
Official villain/demon of IW!

Avatar 09-04-2001 12:49 PM

Uhh, Hi. Hmmm.. Fantasy Bar. Well I'll grab a stoll then.
I love those Calisham Chilli Dishes. Can Jaheira get me one?


Lord Shield 09-04-2001 02:38 PM

The door busts open - a metal foot crunches on one of the fallen daleks - the metal humanoid points a weapon (Uzi) at the Anti-Paladin and shoots him going "Where's Sarah Connor?"

In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is pimp.
Lord Raptor's Site

Tancred 09-04-2001 03:47 PM

"OW! Hey, watch i - YIKES!"
Karnas dives aside as the Dalek's zapper fires, barely avoiding the blast encumbered as he is. He hits the ground with a CLANG, eyes shut tight, waiting for the end...
Nothing comes. Gingerly, the mage opens one eye to see the bemused Dalek looking from side-to-side, wondering where its' target went. Even the strange apparatus - that bore a curious resemblance to the wand Cheesy used to unblock the drains - could not reach ground level. Karnas watched, mesmerised at the poor design of the Dalek.
Eventually, he crawled away, behind the odd thing, tapping on its' metal bonce. The Dalek wheeled around in the direction of the tap, but Karnas merely walked around the pepper-pot shaped creature. After a few roundabout turns, Karnas tired of the game, reached down and tipped the Dalek up. He walked back to the table he was had been crouching under, chuckling.

Ace Flashheart 09-04-2001 06:52 PM

"Connor?, wasn't she playing pool at the back with the kid, the police man and the man in sunglasses with the funny accent?", said a bemused LF

OOC: I hate you LS

Encard 09-04-2001 07:31 PM

A flaming company of robots suddenly crashes through the bar roof and the robots, which are shaped like deranged spiky cactuses with big metal arms, start disintegrating and death-raying ( ) random stuff, attempting to target the bar patrons. Encard zaps one with his Miniature Typhoon Wand, causing it and 2 more neer it to explode from electrical problems, and then someone else hacks the pointy, evil-looking head off one of them, leaving 3 robots still alive.

Lord of the RaBid Fruit Trees. ChAos rules all! Bwahahahaha...

[This message has been edited by Encard (edited 09-04-2001).]

[This message has been edited by Encard (edited 09-04-2001).]

Skydracgrrl 09-04-2001 11:49 PM

Once done with relieving herself of her meal, ^_^;; Skye pushed the top off of the crate that Ash had stuck her in (the dead creature had been desintegrated (sp?) during the fight) and stood up groggily. "uhn, my head... what happened?" Skye asks, bewildered. (she doesn't remember a thing... -_-;; ) Unfortunately, the time she chose to stand up was right when Karnas was amusing himself with the metal humanoid robot thing. While it was turning around in confusion, it lashed out, hitting Skye straight in the head. Which probably didn't help her hang-over, but she wasn't concious to worry about that. ^_^;;


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[This message has been edited by Skydracgrrl (edited 09-05-2001).]

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