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shamrock_uk 04-11-2005 10:13 PM

I like the Dragon's Lair wallpaper :D Adam's is very...creative too [img]smile.gif[/img]

Will watch Ep 9 tomorrow, bed-time for me!

T-D-C 04-11-2005 10:21 PM

Love the wallpapers. Just downloading the new episodes now. Hopefully the laughs won't split my stiches :D

Vaprakgruumsh 04-11-2005 11:59 PM

Hey Sham!

Thanks for the compliment on the wallpaper. As we go along, I am sure to do some more! (Was quite funny... I had forgotten to shift the faction of the dragons, so when I logged in to do the screen shot - Grayson and Peter were in the fight for their lives! I actually let the battle finish itself out. Believe it or not, Peter and Grayson managed to take out the red and black dragon, before falling before the blue, white and green... of course, they're level 30 NPCs - to be able to use the weapons in their hand - so that may have had something to do with it)! [img]smile.gif[/img]

And TDC... No promises on the stitches not busting up! [img]smile.gif[/img] I actually enjoyed this episode, because it allowed us to "Shrek." By that I mean, the characters say (well, mostly Eric the Elongated) says things that... as adults, we know what he's implying, but it will fly right over the heads of kids! [img]smile.gif[/img]

Vaprakgruumsh 04-25-2005 01:09 PM

Neverending Nights - Episode 10: Racial Benefits (Right Click... SAVE AS...) is now available for download! Our two would be heroes team up with Pawl the Dorf to explore a deep, dark cave... Weighing in nearly 7 minutes (okay 6:50) this puppy will cost you a mere 20 megs of hard drive space! Download and enjoy, and share your comments - good or bad!

T-D-C 04-25-2005 11:45 PM

No Goblins were harmed during the making of this episode..... LOL Loved it. Keep up the quality work!

Vaprakgruumsh 04-26-2005 03:39 AM

I make it no secret... since we did the Goblin voices... I have fallen in love with those three characters. Episode 11 has a very stong focus on those goblins actually looking for the other three... so that will be a fun episode (though probably difficult to understand at the frequency they talk) [img]smile.gif[/img]

T-D-C 04-26-2005 06:47 AM

I LOVED the Bug bears (Trolls!) A.K.A Goblins. They were great!

Vaprakgruumsh 04-28-2005 03:12 AM

Home Sweet Home: Goblin Version. By no means tied to Neverending Nights, other than the fact I was fixing up the cave for Episode 12 which we're going to record tomorrow (well, today - since Midnight is 3 minutes away) - and while testing out various effects for voices (we're going to need a modded voice for Adam pretty soon) - anyway - ended up messing with Motley Crue's song Home Sweet Home, and in a moment of sheer boredom and madness... created the above. Don't look for it to be anywhere near perfect in editing. Like I said, I did it in the middle of fixing up the cave for Episode 12 and was half out of my mind with weariness. But figured, since I made it, I might as well share it.

This thing pretty much shows off the goblin dance floor which will be mentioned in Episode 11. (So it's almost like a sneak peek!) It also shows off what happens if you don't get enough sleep.

Let this be a warning.

Comment as ye will!

RoSs_bg2_rox 04-28-2005 07:21 PM

I just watched episode 10, and it was hilarious! I loved it when the dwarf and the goblin were "dancing" and the other two were just standing back talking, it was just great! Good work, I need to go and watch all the other episodes now.

Vaprakgruumsh 04-29-2005 09:48 AM

Heya RoSs_bg2_rox!

Glad you liked Episode 10! [img]smile.gif[/img] Probably our best one to date! Be warned the first few episodes are very, very rough. (We were just learning how to do this and all)... [img]smile.gif[/img]

I think around Episode 3 or 4, we found our groove. Also, the video and sound quality are nowhere near as sharp as they are in Episode 9 and 10 (because by Episode 9 we had dumped more money into this to improve audio and video quality). [img]smile.gif[/img]

But regardless, would love to hear your comments! [img]smile.gif[/img]

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