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Luther 09-12-2001 09:26 AM


Originally posted by Melusine:

*SIGH* that is JUST the attitude I am trying to prevent! Read my posts again.

I wasn't saying that that is what I believe. It's just the way things work is all. Sadly.

Larry_OHF 09-12-2001 09:26 AM

<font color="white">Luther
You have many country-men here in our country. Talking with them, they say they love living here. One of them is serving a mission for the church, and lives 3 miles from me.
Furthermore, those towers that no longer exist worked for 26 countries, I believe I heard them say. Anything that happens to us, affects you, doen't it? New Zealand is an ally of ours, and they are anxiously awaiting to hear what we will do in finding the answers we seek. It sounds like you don't care too much about your own govt.'s opinion, as well as the lives of your own countrymen. I feel sorry to know that you would see your own kind go under with us...</font>

Father of the wicked but cute child known as MaryBeth
Padre de una niña bien traviosa pero guapa
Aisukuríimu ga tabetái desu.

Link 09-12-2001 09:26 AM

Just in general: What the world is afraid of, is that America's actions aren't considered enough.. No one approves these plane crashed, but an action which is not considered enough, is not approved as well.

I am committed to restore your faith in extreme violence...

Overlord Executioner, Slayer of Fluffed Beings
Member of Clan HADB
Supreme Warrior of Myst

MagiK 09-12-2001 09:29 AM


Originally posted by Sir_Tainly:
I know this but don't you think another country could supply aid to THEM if they were attacked by the USA? Iran and Sudan have both developed domestic munitions industries. As with the Mujahadeen all they need is small arms/SAMs etc and they would be deadly. Also Libya another Anti-US country has significant arms dumps .

Oh yes Im sure you are quite right, thats why I doubt that the US would try to invade, our purpose is not to invade but to exact retribution and to punish the people responsible, you don't need to expose yourself for this. All you need is good recon and a few remote delivery systems such as Cruise Missiles and precision munitions so you don't have needless innocent casualties. This would not turn into another Viet Nam.

Disintigration is easy, If you really want to impress me, ReIntegrate it.

Luther 09-12-2001 09:29 AM


Originally posted by Larry_OHF:
<font color="white">Luther
You have many country-men here in our country. Talking with them, they say they love living here. One of them is serving a mission for the church, and lives 3 miles from me.
Furthermore, those towers that no longer exist worked for 26 countries, I believe I heard them say. Anything that happens to us, affects you, doen't it? New Zealand is an ally of ours, and they are anxiously awaiting to hear what we will do in finding the answers we seek. It sounds like you don't care too much about your own govt.'s opinion, as well as the lives of your own countrymen. I feel sorry to know that you would see your own kind go under with us...</font>

That's true. But my opinion doesn't matter either. Unless I fly a plane into a building.

MagiK 09-12-2001 09:32 AM

Link could you provied one or two examples where the US response to an act has been hasty or ill considered? Im trying to think of some, but all Im coming up with are measured and reasonable responses....If the us WERE prone to illconsidered and unreasonable reactions the WORLD would not be here today as the US and USSR would have wiped it clean of everything but cockroaches.

Disintigration is easy, If you really want to impress me, ReIntegrate it.

[This message has been edited by MagiK (edited 09-12-2001).]

Larry_OHF 09-12-2001 09:33 AM


Originally posted by Luther:
That's true. But my opinion doesn't matter either. Unless I fly a plane into a building.
<font color="white">Everyone's opinion matters. Get enough of the same opinion rallied together, and the world can change. One strong leader with an opinion can make or break anything.
And on an added note, I really like the New Zealand people. Everyone I have met have been most honorable and most kind. (and big appetites)
Are you a native?</font>

Father of the wicked but cute child known as MaryBeth
Padre de una niña bien traviosa pero guapa
Aisukuríimu ga tabetái desu.

Luther 09-12-2001 09:38 AM


Originally posted by Larry_OHF:
<font color="white">Everyone's opinion matters. Get enough of the same opinion rallied together, and the world can change. One strong leader with an opinion can make or break anything.
And on an added note, I really like the New Zealand people. Everyone I have met have been most honorable and most kind. (and big appetites)
Are you a native?</font>

Yeah, that was my point. No one cares about what some whacko thinks until he or she gets some degree of power. Blah blah blah I'm sure no one really cares.

If you mean native as in Maori, then no. I'm of Scottish and Spanish decent. But I was born and raised here

Oh, and I don't actually believe most of what I type here (I don't discuss my beliefs with stangers I post it to get some decent discussion going. Even if it can be determined as 'negative'.

Absynthe 09-12-2001 09:39 AM


Originally posted by MagiK:

Now my first post with your name in it WAS ragging on you, but you deserved it and asked for it with of dubious intelligence.

MagiK, if you truly believe that your ragging on people is ever "deserved" or that your judgement of someones intelligence gives you the right to denigrate them, you are DEAD WRONG. If that is how you feel, and how you will post, you should probably find another forum to post to.
Although you have posted some good contributions, your attitude is inconsistent with what IW is about, and antithetical to what you yourself espouse.

Luther 09-12-2001 09:52 AM


Originally posted by Absynthe:
MagiK, if you truly believe that your ragging on people is ever "deserved" or that your judgement of someones intelligence gives you the right to denigrate them, you are DEAD WRONG. If that is how you feel, and how you will post, you should probably find another forum to post to.
Although you have posted some good contributions, your attitude is inconsistent with what IW is about, and antithetical to what you yourself espouse.

Thanks Absynthe. Never thought anyone would ever stick up for a no-good nay-sayer like me. Cheers. *Pat on the back*.

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