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Liliara 09-07-2001 03:35 AM

Liliara, noting a familiar sword in front of the assasin strides over to take a closer look.

"this one elf, where did you aquire it?" she runs her hand accross an all too familiar hilt.
"I remember it, but as my journey here, it seems a faded memory."


Melusine 09-07-2001 03:35 AM

*runs into bar, gives all newcomers atomic wedgies, gives Fortuna long kiss, waves at old friends, flies out again*
Sorry LS honey...I needed that

Melusine, High Queen of Fluffies, Archbabe of the OHF, the LH
and the HADB &
Sultry Elflet
Your voice is ambrosia
Amy Brown Fantasy Art

Link 09-07-2001 04:19 AM

Links crawls up from under a large table.
" Isn't there anything kewl to do here???"

I am committed to restore your faith in extreme violence...

Overlord Executioner, Slayer of Fluffed Beings
Member of Clan HADB
Supreme Warrior of Myst

Righteous_Fury 09-07-2001 06:42 AM

Roghteous polishes off the rest of his ale and looks around to inspect the situation, a robot flys through the air landing awkwardly in a corner. As he gets up another robot sails over his head, although this time not to quick for him to flash out his sword and slice it cleanly in half. He begins to feel an even louder rumble from outside. Thinking it is just another perk of the ale he turns around and orders another.

Link 09-07-2001 08:26 AM

Link looks at the flying robots, and wonders who let them in. He was asleep when the previous things happened, and can't recall what happened in the Hole.
" Lord Shield!"
No response. Link gets up, looking rather sleepy.
" Lord Shield!" he yells, somewhat louder this time. "Are you here Lord Shield?"
Still no response. Where could that guy be? A good bartender never sleeps until the last customer is out of the bar!

I am committed to restore your faith in extreme violence...

Overlord Executioner, Slayer of Fluffed Beings
Member of Clan HADB
Supreme Warrior of Myst

Lord Shield 09-07-2001 02:39 PM


Originally posted by Melusine:
*runs into bar, gives all newcomers atomic wedgies, gives Fortuna long kiss, waves at old friends, flies out again*
Sorry LS honey...I needed that

Unfortunately the robots don't have clothes for wedgies

LS is distinctly absent. FF has cheered up a bit now his honey popped in again

Sorry, Skye, totalise is still pants for me. If not Jar Jar Binks, could Skye be his sister?

Lord Flash looks at the symbol - a blood red sword dripping through a heart. I hope he isn't after Lord Sword because he won't have a chance. His very essence is violence/offence - if you encounter him, you will lose all hostile thought and he can lop you like a helpless lamb

In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is pimp.
Lord Raptor's Site

Encard 09-07-2001 05:00 PM

Encard looks nervously at Shadow, sets his actually very good sword down for a moment, mumbles something over it and h9is bag, and then picks his sword up again. He then reaches into his bag and pulls out another bag.

Encard: Hmm... I wonder what this is... does a bag of devouring do?

The bag suddenly emoves, and Encard throws it at a hostile robot that just teleported in. The bag seems to grab the robot's arm...

Lord of the RaBid Fruit Trees. ChAos rules all! Bwahahahaha...

Lord Shield 09-07-2001 05:11 PM

the robot tries o cu the bag with a blade from its other arm but is gonebefore it can seriously samage the hungry sack

Outsde, LS has taught the Tarrasque a few tricks. It can now sit up and beg, fetch and count by thumping its tail. The best one is:

"Roll over and play dead"

The thundering noise accompanied by the scrunching and mangling of metal suggests it tolled on the robots

OOC: Waaah! Totalise is back but all my e-mails have gone! - Skye, could you re-send that last one please

In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is pimp.
Lord Raptor's Site

[This message has been edited by Lord Shield (edited 09-07-2001).]

Encard 09-07-2001 07:05 PM

Encard looks at the bag with interest as it devours the robot. UNfortunately, when the robot is gone, it flies at the closest thing: a table. The table is soon gone. In another moment it's on another table, and after that it eats someone'e cup of beer, including the cup... Then it turns to Encard and flies at him ravenously, chasing him around in circles. However, he suddenly turns and it flies straight into the bag of holding, there it is again trapped.

Lord of the RaBid Fruit Trees. ChAos rules all! Bwahahahaha...

Skydracgrrl 09-07-2001 09:09 PM

OOC- darn it, and I would have deleted the copy of the email I sent u too... -_-;; i don't think i wrote anything important, LS, just said thanx and made some protests over the Jar Jar Binks comment... something about not getting my tongue stuck in a pod racer... ^_^;;
IC- Even though she still had her cold, Skye wandered back downstairs to the Bar. "Ale, now, and some cold syrup," Skye ordered, as she took a seat at teh bar wearily. (getting sick really takes it out of her, and she tends to get a bit grouchy... ^_^;; ) She watched the escapade with the bag of devouring and the "flying robots," while nursing her ale, and her cold. Again the earth shook, which didn't help her major headache. "Will someone please tell me why the earth HAS to keep shaking like that?!" Skye exclaimed, moodily. "Don't we have anything interesting to do, then let these poor bucket-of-bolts that they call robots randomly walk in to "destroy us"? This is starting to get booooring...." (Skye is whining now... -_-;; ) "I wanna do something interesting, that doesn't involve me getting captured by any crazy insane people/things." At that moment, Tancred popped up from his hiding spot, and seemed to be discussing something hotly with his talking sword. Something about Tancred not fighting, and not fullfilling his duties... Skye watched the debate with amusement.
OOC- can you mix alcoholic beverages with cold medicine? oh well... ^_^* btw, sorry for making u do something Tancred, just havent seen you for a bit at the Bar, so wanted to see how your "problem" is going to be dealt with.... ^_^*


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