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Aurican 03-07-2001 02:20 AM

I think the best all time best Forgotten Realms novel is...

Evermeet: Island of Elves

It basically is the history of the elves on Toril. A lot of history those elderfolk.

What do you guys think?

Can an elf get a break anywhere these days?

Ziroc 03-07-2001 11:00 PM

Cool thread, I'd have to say my favorite book is either
"Escape from Undermountain" or "The Crystal Shard".

If you haven't read Escape from Undermountain book, I suggest you do, its a totally awesome story, and the setting is great, creates cool images in your mind of what Undermountain looks like. GREAT Characters too.

It's one of the Noble series books. Check out the reviews on, nearly 99% of all reviews are 4 stars.

Now the Crystal Shard is one of my favorites as well, I'm sure that this will be true for MANY AD&D fans But after those 2, I'd say: The rest of the Icewind Dale books, and the Drizzt Trilogy, Avatar Trilogy and The lost library of Cormanthyr.

Evermeet was also a GREAT book! And another good one is Cormyr.
And don't forget Old Elminster.. I read about the new book "Elminster goes to Hell"--I wonder if he'll meet Ertuu (If hell is the Abyss).


Aurican 03-08-2001 12:45 AM

Another I forgot to mention was the entire Dark Elf trilogy. I love me some dark elves, and that is a detailed look into the life of drow in the famed city of Menzoberranzan. And it recounts the early life of one Drizzt Do'Urden.

Can an elf get a break anywhere these days?

Gray Mage 03-08-2001 09:35 PM

Anyone read the Cleric Quintet, That was the first Forgotten realms series I read, and it hooked me.

Memnoch 03-09-2001 06:32 AM

Evermeet was definitely an epic, more like a documentary which is always interesting.

If I had to choose a single book...I would have to say Homeland by Bob Salvatore. The way he captures every wicked detail of life in Menzoberranzan, in a truly evil society where the weak perish and only the strong and the treacherous survive is incredible.

If I had to choose a trilogy, I'd say the Avatar Trilogy.

But for AD&D trilogies nothing beats Weis and Hickman's epic Dragonlance works.

------------------ Memnoch - Custodian of the Order of the Holy Flame

Aurican 03-09-2001 01:37 PM

Yeah Memnoch I agree about Dragonlance, what happened to that series. Its like they just abandoned a highly successful series and changed it in every way. I started reading fantasy with Dragonlance and Forgotten Realms, Realms seems to not have changed that much but Geez, in Dragonlance all the gods leave, magic changes and everyone is living in a post-apocalyptic world ruled by dragons; a dark, depressing, dreary change.

Can an elf get a break anywhere these days?

Larry_OHF 03-09-2001 01:56 PM

I have to say that anything dealing with the Avatar trilgy was an attention grabber from the beginning. Now, If you want the most humorous, The Shadow of the Avatar Trilogy has two young Harpers, that have been trained by "Sliverhair" herself, and they just keep you laughing through the whole trilogy! I loved it! Also, the History of Elminster books are also very exciting...the last one I read mentioned the 3 original sisters in it, (ages 3-5, I think), and it was increadible!!

Larry of the Holy Flame

Zoric 03-16-2001 03:26 PM

For me it would have to be a tie between "Sojourn" (Dark Elf trilogy book 2) and "The Crystal Shard" (Icewind Dale trilogy book 1). After Eddings, Salvatore is fast becoming one of my favourite authors. I haven't read the Cleric Quintet series because I refuse to start it until I know for sure that I'll be able to get all the books in the series.


Zenith 03-17-2001 01:20 AM

They all captured my attention! Silverfall was excellent. Any of RA Salvatore's books. He's the best of the FR storytellers.

Memnoch 03-17-2001 04:33 AM


Originally posted by Zenith:
Silverfall was excellent.
Did you really think so?? I wrote a two-page review damning it. It's titled My Rant About Ed Greenwood. I won't repeat what I said here, but have a read of it and offer your comments!

------------------ Memnoch - Custodian of the Order of the Holy Flame

Larry_OHF 03-17-2001 03:25 PM

Actually, I have never read a Forgotten Realms book that I did not like some part of the story. I love them all, and I continue to collect them all...

Larry, ??? of the OHF

Cloudbringer 03-17-2001 09:54 PM

So glad I've been lurking here! I now have the Avatar trilogy, the Icewind Dale trilogy and the Dark Elf Trilogy. Which should I start with and which should follow...any order or does it matter? Historically, storywise..etc. If they vary in 'intesity', I'd prefer to stagger really gut-wrenching stuff out and put somewhat lighter things in the middle.

Any suggestions?


Hesperex 03-28-2001 06:23 PM

I would have to say my favourite is ...ummmmmm probably teh Dark Elf trilogy, can't pick one of the 3 book out in particular so I'll say the whole trilogy.

Master Assassin of the Holy Flame.
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