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Cloudbringer 02-17-2001 07:56 PM

Ok, I've admitted somewhere around here that my sole experience with D&d is the Baldur's gate series and IWD. I got the notion I'd like to read a few books in the D&D I wandered into and plugged in Forgotten Realms. YIKES ! Got something like 79 hits....ack! HELP!

Any suggestions for a total neophyte? I can't see myself sorting through quite that much to start with.


Lord of Alcohol 02-17-2001 08:15 PM

Try the IceWind Dale series. VERY good! Introduces Drzzt & gang. You'll love that series-guaranteed

Cloudbringer 02-17-2001 08:18 PM

LoA, thanks, I think I saw the titles many....( no wonder I got dizzy!)
Love the sig...hahaha


Ladyzekke 02-17-2001 08:19 PM

If we're recommending games here, sorry Alcohol Lord, I'd have to recommend Planescape Torment hands down. Did you ever buy that? You said you found it somewhere for $20.00! As much as CB likes to read and write, I REALLY think Planescape is the game for her. I loved that game. I have never played anything that actually effected my emotions, and turned out to be a great RPG experience as well. Just my opinion.

Cloudbringer 02-17-2001 08:21 PM


I was looking for books, but I think I will pick up Planescape Torment - CompUsa had it cheap last time I was in there.


Lord of Alcohol 02-17-2001 08:23 PM

Lady Cloudbringer, I think Crystal Shard is first, then Streams of Silver, last is Haflings gem. I would suggest you order all three, you'll end up getting them anyway. Glad you like the signature!

Cloudbringer 02-17-2001 08:27 PM

LoA: Yes, I know I did see those titles, thanks!


Valen 02-17-2001 08:59 PM

The Drizzt saga is a good starting point, however I would also suggest that you read 'Evermeet' by Elaine Cunningham and 'Cormyr' by Ed Greenwood & Jeff Grubb, for historical infomation + they are very good books.

Cloudbringer 02-17-2001 09:22 PM

Thanks, Valen...I'll just collect all the recommendations and hope it doesn't end up being all 79!


Valen 02-17-2001 09:35 PM

Oh for world changing events you should read 'Avatars' and 'Threat from the Deep' series both of which change Abeir-toril for ever. (3 in each)

Moridin 02-17-2001 10:05 PM

So glad you posted this.....I just finished the Robert Jordan WoT series and walked down to Barnes and Noble tonight to look at new books. I have read the Icewind Dale series (excellent) and most of the Dragonlance, but like you I wanted to get into the Forgotten Realms books. Lets just say B&N has about 4 full shelves of books!!! I did end up getting Avatar, which someone suggested, so I am glad

Another question for people--
I saw there was a series called "harpers", has anyone read this series and is it any good?

Valen 02-17-2001 10:13 PM

You people in the state are luckly, it took me two years to get the complete Cleric Quintet series and only have 3 of the 20 or so harper series. ( the ones I have read are good.)

Cloudbringer 02-17-2001 10:15 PM

Yah, Amazon had the harpers too...I am starting to get sooooo confused again...somebody want to start prioritizing the "must reads" and in some kind of chronological/logical order for me?!

I may order some books tomorrow or run out to Barnes and Noble. Not like I have time to read...but what the heck!


Lord of Alcohol 02-17-2001 10:17 PM

I didnt like the Harpers much but I only tried the first one or two. They were pretty"basic" I guess you would say. You can read one in a couple hours and wonder why you did.

Larry 02-17-2001 10:28 PM

Ok, I know that this should be posted in the AD&D Forum, but it is easier for you to get attention here. I own a very large collection of Forgotten Realms, since it is the only books I buy. I have been trying to gather a few that I have missed down the years. If there is one person on this board that I am sure knows more about Forgotten Realms than me, it is Memnoch.
Anyway, The Crystal Shard is the first book I ever owned. Get all of the ones that are in any way associated with it. Next, the Avatar Trilogy, the Shadow of the Avatar Trilogy, and the Life of Elminster the mage (so far, three parts, soon to be four) are needed. You cannot pass up the Crucible, either. As far as the Harpers...there are 16 of them...but Elaine Cunninham took out numbers 2,8, and 13, I think they are, and reprinted them together in a trilogy. They are very good to have as well...
Man !! Sorry, I guess you will have to buy all 79 at the rate I am going....

Ladyzekke 02-17-2001 10:35 PM

Moridin - sorry to sound like a broken record, but I would highly recommend C.S. Friedman's Colfire Trilogy! Only three books, but three books you'll never forget. I've read the Robert Jordan series as well, but I still feel Friedman's 3 books take out all competitors intensity-wise. These books really make you feel it. The story also includes a huge fantasy scenario with situations and beings that only a certain mind could have created! I love books that surprise me and constantly keeps me interested and wanting to know more! Please keep Friedman in mind the next time you visit the book store!

Valen 02-17-2001 10:39 PM

Buying suggestions: go to shop, read blur, read proluge, if it sounds good buy it. If not don't.

Oh and I don't reccomend the Baldurs Gate the first and it all most stoped me playing the game.

Cloudbringer 02-17-2001 10:41 PM

Larry, Thanks... I will, no doubt, end up reading most of them

I'm a little on the particular side when it comes to what I spend time reading. Author has to have good solid plot/decent style and not leave lots of unecessary loose ends or dead ends. I pretty much stopped buying fantasy stuff several yrs ago, I found some of the more popular ones were pretty hackneyed "churn out the formula book " fast as you can types...and then I wondered, like LoA said, "why'd I bother reading this?".... I like to be involved in the plot/feel something for the characters, wonder what happens next and be hoping for a sequel!

So with that in mind- can anyone narrow down my beginning choices?!



Moridin 02-17-2001 11:34 PM


I will definetely keep Friedman in mind. Is the Colfire trilogy the only one's he has written or are there others (probably....duh writes one series and quits....oh well talking to self again). Do you suggest any other of his works just in case Colfire series is not in the store?

BLACK KNIGHT 02-18-2001 03:06 AM

Don't think this is Forgotten Realms, but there are six books along the way that all forgotten realms/dragon lance people have to read. They are Dragons of Autumn Twilight, Dragons of Winter Night, Dragon of Spring Dawning,(These are the original Dragonlance Trilogy) and The Test of the Twins, War of the Twins, and Time of the Twins. These are all done by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman. I would go further and ask if they have the Annotated version of the Original Trilogy. Really adds to the reading to see the author's notes. Forgotten Realms wise, definately go for the Dark Elf Trilogies. I think they may be two Large Books of three books each. Both are good. IMHO, the first three book in Chronological order, not in the order they were written, are the best. Between those 12 books or 4 if you go for large hardbound, you should be kept in books for a while.


Memnoch 02-18-2001 03:08 AM

The Avatar Trilogy is a good place to start. Other good authors would be Elaine Cunningham (if there is one FR writer who can bring elves to life it would be her) and Bob Salvatore. Baldurs Gate was the cheapest, worst FR novel I've ever read. The Dark Elf Trilogy is pretty compelling reading, especially Homeland, set in Menzoberranzan, the city of the drow.

And how could I forget: The Simbul's Gift, the ONLY book about Alassra Shentrantra, Queen ofd Aglarond, Sixth of The Seven Chosen Sisters. Also known as the StormQueen, the Witch Queen, etc... your namesake!!!!

Memnoch 02-18-2001 03:16 AM

About the Harpers series: some are good, some are back. Check out Elaine Cunningham's Harper books, like Elfshadow, Elfsong and Thornhold (good but is weakened by the ending). The 'God' books like Prince of Lies and Crucible will give you more knowledge about the Toril Pantheon. And the two books Beyond the High Road and Death of the Dragon are good reading too.

I personally didn't like Silverfall. After waiting so long to finally read about the Seven Chosen Sisters, Ed Greenwood comes up with this? His writing can either be excellent or awful, and this is definitely in the latter category. I think I'll stick to my own images of Dove, Laeral, Alustriel et al...

BLACK KNIGHT 02-18-2001 04:22 AM

Another good book - not forgotten realms or dragonlance, just scifi fantasty - is The Sword Trilogy by Michael Moorcock. (What a tragic last name, eh?) Good book, good twists, 400 pages paperback that just flows through your hands. Very intense.


Cloudbringer 02-18-2001 07:55 AM

I am going to be reading from now until doomsday, it seems! (big grin) You guys are going to make some bookseller a whole lot of gold and this CloudReader very poor!

Thanks for the input!!! I still have a Lindsey Davis mystery from Christmas to try out (good old Roman intrigue), but then all I was going to do was re-read a Cadfael mystery or two or haul out the Zelazny Amber series for the umpteenth time, til something came along...then BG2 hit me!

Cloudbringer 02-19-2001 01:12 AM

Uh, I'm ordering the Icewind Dale Trilogy (hardcover, 1 volume, yay!) and trying to put the Avatar trilogy together...can anyone tell me if Shadowdale is the first of the trilogy? I found Tantras and Waterdeep neatly labeled as 2 and 3, but Shadowdale doesn't quite say!

-also, individual titles for the dark elf books?


Valen 02-19-2001 01:23 AM

Shadowdale is book one.

Dark elf books: (Before Icewind dales)

Icewind Dales
The Crystal Shard
Streams of Silver
The Halfing Gem

Lagacy of the drow: (after Icewind dales)
The Legacy
Starless Night
Siege of darkness
Passage to dawn.

Ones after the LotD series (no name)
The Silent Blade
Spine of the world
Servent of the shard.

There is also two books by Elaine Cunningham about a female Drow.(set after the Drizzt books)
Daughter of the Drow
Tangled Webs

Cloudbringer 02-19-2001 01:35 AM

Thanks, Valen.

I just ordered the Icewind Dale Trilogy and the Avatar and Dark Elf Trilogies.

The board may never see me again,when the books get here! LOL


Tobbin 02-19-2001 02:00 AM

The IceWind Dale books were a true treasure, but the Dark elf books were even better. I can't remember the names of the newest ones out, but if you can get a chance to get them, it's definitely worth it. The latest book (that I've seen anyways) centers around the fall and rise of Wulfgar. I can't wait until the next one.

Cloudbringer 02-19-2001 02:04 AM

Tobbin! Good to see you, I just posted in the thread of your name. Anyway, I ordered Homeland, Exile and Sojourn, I think.

I think three trilogies should keep me very busy!

I'll be back looking for more input someday....if I ever get those read!


Tobbin 02-19-2001 02:15 AM

I didn't read everything here, so I don't know if anyone brought it up, but there is a series called the Sword of Truth. If you ever get a chance to get it, by Terry Goodkind (I think), you gotta check it out. Very good series. My mom got addicted to this series as well. Almost everyone I know, that has read the series, has nothing bad to say about it. I think there's 5 of them out though, so yeah, even more reading. LOL.

Cloudbringer 02-19-2001 03:17 AM

BK, I looked for the original Dragonlance trilogy, but if I found the right thing, Amazon says it's out of print!

Tobbin 02-19-2001 03:40 AM

Oh yeah, the Melnibone story with Elric. That was a classic series too. I read that back in high school. Michael Moorecock. I saw that name and just had to do a report about one of his books. How many times could you get away with saying that word in school and not get into trouble because of it? LOL I have the Deities & Demigods that has these mythos. Who could forget a life stealer sword. Elric was nothing without it.

As for the DragonLance books, they are mainly outta print, but you can still find them at WaldenBooks or something similar. They tend to stock up on fantasy novels as they sell so good.

Black Knight 03-05-2001 04:50 PM

CB, lookie what I found . . .


Black Knight 03-05-2001 05:20 PM

Sorry about this, gamers. Found this old post looking for something else. Posted on it, and it came up in the wrong forum. Sorry.


Hesperex 03-05-2001 05:25 PM

I already answerd a question like this a typed up all R.Salvatore's book I'll go a see if I can find the tread and I'll link to it for you...cause I am not typing them all out again. Not even for that blasted cloudcruiser


Hesperex 03-05-2001 05:28 PM

here you go, all the decent book by R.A.Salvatore....PAIIIIIIINSTAKINGLY typed out by me (usual low seeping bow to the lady cloubinger)


[This message has been edited by Hesperex (edited 03-05-2001).]

Grebki 03-05-2001 06:30 PM

Try "The Dark Elf Trilogy" which just came out -- this book is a compilation of three early books and deal with Drizzt. I really like Drizzt -- he is almost as cool as I am, so I highly recommend it (I don't know if you can get the individual books anymore, but it is probably cheaper to get the compilation anyway, unless you check out a used bookstore.)


Hesperex 03-05-2001 06:32 PM

The Dark Elf trilogy has been out since 1998, the newest Salvatore book is 'Servent of the Shard' which is fantastic.


Grebki 03-05-2001 06:48 PM

Yeah, I liked the servant of the shard. I'm currently working on the Ed Green(wood|berg?) Elminster books. I meant 'relatively' new.


Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast. And then I went and made at least three of them come true before lunch.

Cloudbringer 03-05-2001 09:33 PM

BK! THANKS! And I am sorry it's on this board and not Gen Discussion, but it is a great find! I just got all the books I ordered. Last ones arrived Saturday.

I'm starting with The Simbul's gift. After that can you all tell me if it matters whether I read the Icewind Dale Trilogy, The Avatar Trilogy or the Dark Elf Trilogy first? I have all of them!


------------------ Storm-Queen
StormCloud of the Black Knight

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