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Boutte 10-31-2003 03:59 PM

It's Halloween so this seems a good topic. I've always loved a good scary movie unfortunately there aren't that many good ones.The original Halloween was excellent as was "The Other" (Not "The Others").Back in the early 60's there was movie named "The Haunting" that gave me nightmares for years and the made for tv version of "The Shining" will give you creeps. But I have to say the scariest movie I ever saw is "The Ring".

I'm sure there are a lot more so let's here it.

Raistlin Majere 10-31-2003 04:28 PM

i used to think Halloween H20 was the scariest movie ever, i practically wet my pants every night for weeks after watching it(i was very young). i watched it a while back again, and it was actually pretty corny(in other words: i only wet my pants for a few nights after that :D )

pritchke 10-31-2003 04:39 PM

<font face="Verdana" size="3" color="#00FF00"> "Demons" was pretty scary when I first watched it but I was only young at the time. Not sure what it would be like now. "Child's Play" - I never looked at toys the same way again, or "IT" - never did like clowns.

My fiancés pick is "Jeepers Creppers" or any movie with mice, or rats. :D </font>

[ 10-31-2003, 04:52 PM: Message edited by: pritchke ]

Timber Loftis 10-31-2003 04:53 PM

Original Texas Chainsaw Massacre was good.

Frailty is quite scary. The Ring was decently scary. Original Nightmare on Elm Street. I'll think of some more.

Lord 10-31-2003 04:58 PM


Originally posted by Timber Loftis:
Original Texas Chainsaw Massacre was good.

Frailty is quite scary. The Ring was decently scary. Original Nightmare on Elm Street. I'll think of some more.

The Ring? Scary? I watched the movie expecting to get scared, but it was a crappy movie. The only part that was scary was when the girl came out of the TV at the end of the movie, the rest of it sucked and wasn't scary at all. But I also thought 'It' and 'The Shining' were scary movies.

Nanobyte 10-31-2003 04:59 PM


Originally posted by pritchke:
<font face="Verdana" size="3" color="#00FF00">..or "IT" - never did like clowns.</font>
I'd vote that.

Sir Kenyth 10-31-2003 05:00 PM

Horror movies seem to lose their "bite" as you get older. The original "Alien" movie was pretty scary. "Event Horizon" was also pretty good. "Sphere" also comes to mind.

Maybe "Army of Darkness"? :D

Bozos of Bones 10-31-2003 05:02 PM

IT is the scarriest thing I believe anyone will ever be exposed to. I keep getting flashbacks of the bloodied book and the clown's teeth. CHILDHOOD TRAUMA

Nanobyte 10-31-2003 05:10 PM


Originally posted by Sir Kenyth:
"Event Horizon" was also pretty good.
That movie was just disturbing..

Sir Kenyth 10-31-2003 05:38 PM


Originally posted by Nanobyte:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Sir Kenyth:
"Event Horizon" was also pretty good.

That movie was just disturbing.. </font>[/QUOTE]Exactly! :D

Stormymystic 10-31-2003 05:42 PM

my vote goes to 13 ghost, that movie freaked me out, as for older movies, I think nightmare on elm street, and halloween were scary, the first friday the 13th was kinda scary too, there was one, not really based on those things, that still scares me today, but can not think of the name of it, all I remember was someting about neuclear bombs, and the aftermath [img]graemlins/1ponder.gif[/img] you saw people disentergrating, any one remember that one? it was back in the early 80's think I was like 7 or 8 so it was around 83 or 84 :/

[ 10-31-2003, 05:43 PM: Message edited by: Stormymystic ]

Sir Kenyth 10-31-2003 05:55 PM


Originally posted by Stormymystic:
my vote goes to 13 ghost, that movie freaked me out, as for older movies, I think nightmare on elm street, and halloween were scary, the first friday the 13th was kinda scary too, there was one, not really based on those things, that still scares me today, but can not think of the name of it, all I remember was someting about neuclear bombs, and the aftermath [img]graemlins/1ponder.gif[/img] you saw people disentergrating, any one remember that one? it was back in the early 80's think I was like 7 or 8 so it was around 83 or 84 :/
"The Day After"?

Dreamer128 10-31-2003 06:02 PM

"IT" ranks pretty high on my list. As does "The Ring".

Jorath Calar 10-31-2003 06:03 PM

Exorsist... I still havn't seen it all because I rented it when I was 17 and watched it alone and had to turn it off because it freaked me out... still havn't dared to see it again... [img]smile.gif[/img]

Also Hellraiser II, it wasn't the movie it self that scared me, not while watching it at least, but I got the scariest nightmares ever after watching it... [img]smile.gif[/img]

Boutte 10-31-2003 06:09 PM


Originally posted by Jorath Calar:
Exorsist... I still havn't seen it all because I rented it when I was 17 and watched it alone and had to turn it off because it freaked me out... still havn't dared to see it again... [img]smile.gif[/img]

Also Hellraiser II, it wasn't the movie it self that scared me, not while watching it at least, but I got the scariest nightmares ever after watching it... [img]smile.gif[/img]

Exorcist was pretty good but did you see Excorcist 3?

Albromor 10-31-2003 06:10 PM

I have to go with the 1963 classic "The Haunting" as Boutte mentions. Absolutely creepy and down right frightening.

Ronn_Bman 10-31-2003 06:25 PM

It, Omen, Exorcist, The Thing, The Fog, and Jeepers Creepers come to mind. Also, Kevin Costner's Waterworld which is scary for completely different reasons.

What scares you the most? For me, it's the movies that startle me. Unexpected things jumping out get me every time, and I mean every time, even during comedies. :eek:

EDIT - I almost forgot Jaws! I didn't swim in the ocean or fantasize about naked women swimming in the ocean for at least two years after that... well the naked women swimming fantasy abstention was more probably more like 2 hours, but you know what I mean. ;) [img]tongue.gif[/img] [img]smile.gif[/img]

[ 10-31-2003, 06:30 PM: Message edited by: Ronn_Bman ]

Aelia Jusa 10-31-2003 06:34 PM

I found the Burbs terrifying. You know, the one with Tom Hanks. I had visions of the car boot full of bones for days after. I was 10, maybe, when I saw it and it totally freaked me out :D

I don't watch a lot of scary movies now. Like Ronn, I don't like it when things jump out at you, and I just don't like the feeling of dread I get because I know that at least half the characters are going to die at some point. And I'm not much on gore and gratuitous violence.

Boutte 10-31-2003 06:52 PM

quote Ronn_Bman
What scares you the most? For me, it's the movies that startle me. Unexpected things jumping out get me every time, and I mean every time, even during comedies.
end quote

Yeah buts that's a just a cheap trick, a good scary movie doesn't have to resort to that evert 5 minutes. Same for guts and gore. A good scary movie plays with your base fears and uses them to scare the shit out of you, like in Poltergiest when the clown doll drags the kid under the bed. What kid hasn't been terrified because he just KNOWS there's something under the bed or in the closet?

Barry the Sprout 10-31-2003 06:53 PM

The scariest film I've ever seen is Event Horizon I think. Its not a brilliant film for lots of reasons, but it sure as hell is scary.

Ronn_Bman 10-31-2003 07:03 PM


Originally posted by Boutte:
a good scary movie doesn't have to resort to that (startling moments) evert 5 minutes. Same for guts and gore. A good scary movie plays with your base fears and uses them to scare the shit out of you, like in Poltergiest when the clown doll drags the kid under the bed. What kid hasn't been terrified because he just KNOWS there's something under the bed or in the closet?
Poltergeist is absolutely another one on my list thanks for reminding me.

Remember, I didn't say it's what I prefer in a scary movie, I said it's what gets me. ;)

I agree completely though about the guts and gore though because it doesn't do anything for me.

[ 10-31-2003, 07:06 PM: Message edited by: Ronn_Bman ]

Davros 10-31-2003 07:08 PM

I have answered this one before [img]smile.gif[/img]

The scariest movie ever has to be the original Nightmare on Elm Street - particularly when watched in a large strange old wooden house with shutters and creaks and a huge lightning storm doing the special effects. When you can have the shutters slam open and the storm billow the curtains over the poor huddled masses shivering on the couch all accompanied with lighning and immediate thunder at all of the choicest parts of the film; when you can follow the film with a blackout and you don't know where the candles are kept; when you wake up and the house is creaking and moving around you and you don't know where you are or where the bathroom is; when every flash of lightning reveals a shadow of menace and the film music keeps playing on and on in your head - then you have seen the scariest movie ever [img]smile.gif[/img] .

Azimaith 10-31-2003 07:12 PM


Im no fan of these idiotic new slasher flicks where womens breasts must be exposed at least once and copius gore and blood should spray. They always show too much too early not to mention surprise moments are not what makes a scary movie.

Ronn_Bman 10-31-2003 07:28 PM

How could I have forgotten Aliens? That is one scary freakin' movie, not to mention the final panty scene for us (at the time) prepubescent horno's. ;)

D2.... Stop scaring me! [img]smile.gif[/img]

Davros 10-31-2003 07:33 PM

Huh - me - what did I do Ronn ;)

Niadh 10-31-2003 08:41 PM

I find small moments good. But I watched Ring last night. The only part of shock was the out of TV bit. The sights of people with the look of horror on their dead faces was a nice touch. As someone said, Event Horizon is disturbing, not scary.

When I was like 4 or 5 I watched the start of T2- that scared me. I saw people dying, robots killing etc. I was young before I get any funny looks. I know find many horror movies predictable, "oh dear I need to go outsdie on the stormy night while the murderer is about town" signals dumbass dying. And dark corners are hiding spots. Always.

Nerull 10-31-2003 08:52 PM

  • The Exorcist: one of the best. Still creeps me out</font>
  • The Shining (Jack Nicholson version): only thing that detracts from that one is how absolutely annoying Shelly Duvall was. I was kind of hoping she'd be the one to get an axe in the torso...</font>
  • The Omen: I like the first one the best, but the entire series has its moments</font>
  • Poltergeist: though not as scary as it was for me as a child, it still is good</font>
  • Alien: a definite classic</font>
  • Jaws: I really do not consider this a true horror movie, but it is a great movie overall, and has plenty of scary things (the best thing that ever happened was Speilberg not getting the mechanical shark to work through most of the shooting)</font>
  • Nightmare on Elm Street: first movie only, before they turned it into a comedy series</font>
  • The Thing: love the claustrophobic feel of that movie</font>
  • Salem's Lot: not as good as when I was a kid, but there are some genuinely scary moments in that one</font>
  • The Howling: first one only (turned into a joke after that)</font>
  • Night of the Living Dead: first version was solid, the second needs to have every copy ever made burned</font>
  • Halloween: make sure to watch it every year around this time</font>
  • Psycho: original only. A classic, though has not held up as well as some movies on this list.</font>
I'm sure I'm leaving a few off. If you can't tell, I like the older stuff best (the "jump out and scare me" stuff only works a few seconds; I like stuff that is suspenseful). Funny thing is, I saw most of these as a kid (my mother loved horror movies, and she raised me to like them, too).

I have not seen The Haunting or The Other, but have heard nothing but good things about them both. I can't find them for rent at the local video stores (I can find the NEW version of The Haunting, but that sucks other than Catherine Zeta-Jones, and of course I am not talking about her acting ;) ), and never see them listed on the TV schedule.

Ronn_Bman 10-31-2003 09:05 PM

Salemn's Lot the book scared the crap out of me, but the movie with David Soul only makes me giggle. [img]graemlins/hehe.gif[/img]

How could I forget(again) Halloween, and The Howling.

Nightmare On Elm Street was scary, but the rest of the series turned me off.

[ 10-31-2003, 09:06 PM: Message edited by: Ronn_Bman ]

Ladyzekke 10-31-2003 09:40 PM

I think The Exorcist has to have top honors in my book re scariest.

When the first Evil Dead came out and I watched it on video, it really creeped me out LOL.

Oh and the FIRST Trilogy of Terror (with Karen Black), definitely can't count that out! The second one they made a few years ago was OK, but just not the same as the first one.

Also there was this one movie I saw a looong time ago, haven't seen it in ages, it was just a TV movie, called Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark. Anyone see that? It was an older movie, probably made in the late 70's. People move into a house, and the fireplace is all bricked in, so they un-brick it (of course) and end up freeing these little monsters that were in it LOL.

Jorath Calar 10-31-2003 09:51 PM

Oh, I saw Gremlins in theater when I was 10... I didn't sleep for many many nights... [img]smile.gif[/img]

Oh and recently I also saw One Hour Photo, it is not really a horror movie, but just that there is probably a human being as sad as the poor guy scared the crap out of me

Boutte 10-31-2003 10:05 PM

Every now and then they show "The Other" on Bravo. I've never seen The Haunting again since I saw it the theatre 40 yrs ago but I still remember it.
If anyone hasn't read Salem's Lot give it try, it will creep you out. It's my favorite Stephen King novel.

Nerull 10-31-2003 10:11 PM


Originally posted by ladyzekke:
Oh and the FIRST Trilogy of Terror (with Karen Black), definitely can't count that out! The second one they made a few years ago was OK, but just not the same as the first one.

The first two stories in the Trilogy of Terror were not that great, but the third one is definitely up there. Hearing the pattering of the little feet as the doll ran around the room...

Oh, and Wait Until Dark. A suspense movie, not horror, but a very good one. The ending part with her smashing all of the lights is a classic (and they don't do the "lighted up dark" either; you see nothing but a black screen, and hear the people moving around).

The end part of Silence of the Lambs (where she follows him into "his world") is definitely classic, too.

I'll have to keep an eye on Bravo, then, to see if I can catch The Other. I'll check out IMDB to see the show times for this and The Haunting.

[ 10-31-2003, 10:14 PM: Message edited by: Nerull ]

Ladyzekke 10-31-2003 10:43 PM

Yep, you got it Nerull! It was that third story that I was referring to in the Trilogy of Terror. The little doll LOL. With its little maniacal laugh and its little knives, lovely... I mean you think she FINALLY killed it in the oven at the end, but nooo, the spirit passed into her. :D

[ 10-31-2003, 10:44 PM: Message edited by: ladyzekke ]

Jorath Calar 10-31-2003 10:56 PM

Check Internet movie Database. Trilogy of terror is the movie of the day and they mention the 3rd story specially... [img]smile.gif[/img]

Ladyzekke 11-01-2003 12:17 AM

LOL, Jorath, that's definitely the site to go to for all your Trilogy of Terror needs LOL. Ack, forgot how ugly that thing was! :D

GForce 11-01-2003 06:47 AM

Scariest movie for me is "Night of the Living Dead". I didn't finish seeing the whole movie as a kid but I have now as an adult. I now loathe all things that walk waaaaay too slow, throw out their arms in a perpendicular position with their mouths open, and eating bugs off of trees. ;)

Zuvio 11-01-2003 06:28 PM

<font color=gold>
Every thriller/horror movie is scary when you're 8 years old. I watched MJ's thriller when I was 5 or 6 or so... :D

I think I was 18 or 19 when blair witch came out and I watched it with a friend of mine. The movie gave me a bad jolt and I actually had some sleepless nights over it, mucho nightmares too. I guess I'm a little more susceptable to freaky movies than I thought.

shadowhound 11-01-2003 07:43 PM

Just thought a poll with the same topic would be good.

Boutte 11-02-2003 02:45 PM

Good Idea

Xen 11-02-2003 04:30 PM

The Exscorsit

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