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SomeGuy 09-22-2002 05:40 PM

Forgotten Realms has done games and books and maybe some other stuff I have forgotten to list here,but have they dont movies?I think it would be a good idea if they made a movie of baldurs gate,or Icewind Dale.They should make a moive about the The Crystal Shard.(One of the first books R.A. Salvatore(sp?) wrote about Drizzt Do'Urden.) I would really like to see something like that.

Morgeruat 09-22-2002 06:36 PM

Hasbro (the company that bought Wizards of the Coast, which bought TSR a few years earlier which owns the copyright to Dungeons and Dragons, as well as forgotten realms, greyhawk, dragonlance, dark sun, birthright, kara-tur, spelljammer, al qadim, etc) made a dungeons and dragons movie a couple years ago, titled, inventively enough, "dungeons and dragons" it was a horrible piece of swill that set the legitimacy of gaming back ten years if not longer. but it was not set in any definable d&d setting...

In the 80's there was a dungeons and dragons cartoon, which i loved, and still have quite a few taped episodes, from when it was rerun briefly on fox in 2000, and there are cameo's by the cast in the adventurers mart in bg2.

There have been rumors of a forgotten realms tv show, by the people who do Xena and Hercules, but I haven't heard of anything more definite than a few scattered rumors.

the sauceman 10-02-2002 07:43 PM

I think a FR movie would be fantastic, but LOTR is taking over everyones mind, and Im not sure if a movie set in the FR world would hold up to LOTR because everyone and their mother would criticize it. "LOTR had elves first, why is this movie trying to copy them like that?" and so on and so forth.
So Im not sure if a FR movie would be the greatest move right now, but I could be wrong. :D

Darkman 10-03-2002 02:49 AM

I too would like to see some more fantasy movies being made, whether they be Forgetten Realms or some other setting. Hopefully The Lord of the Rings' great success will help to show Hollywood that there is a large demand for these types of movies.

Although I wasn't a *die-hard* fan of the Drizzt books, I still liked them very much. They just seemed to taper off in quality with the later books, and Drizzt became too powerful and holier-than-thou-art in my opinion. BUT, I think the Drizzt novels would translate very well onto the big screen, with all the action and swirling scimtar goodnees. A Drizzt movie starting with his childhood in the Underdark, then his escape and first few adventures on the surface all the way up to him meeting with Bruenor in the Dale would friggin OWN. The sequel would of course carry on from there, with the Crystal Shard, the attack of the Drow, and Drizzt's epic fights with Entreri... I can't wait :D

Spikeous 10-05-2002 03:20 PM


You put that comment about the D&D movie way too nicely. The movie just flat out sucked.

On another note, what happned to the Hobbit Movie? I mean, I know there was a cartoon one, but what about this new series. I don't know about you, but The Hobbit was my favorite LOTR book.

Anarion 10-07-2002 05:08 AM

i thought the d&d movie wasnt that bad, it avoided the cliche in some places, but ran slap bang into it in others- hairy dwarf who growles, a female sorcerer, and a baddie who looks like saervok. it wasnt too bad though- could have been a LOT worse..

Gazza 10-07-2002 04:04 PM


Originally posted by Morgeruat:
[QB]In the 80's there was a dungeons and dragons cartoon, which i loved, and still have quite a few taped episodes, from when it was rerun briefly on fox in 2000, and there are cameo's by the cast in the adventurers mart in bg2.QB]
I used to love that cartoon as well but where are they in BG2 i've never actually seen them.

Morgeruat 10-07-2002 06:18 PM

they are on the back wall of the adventurers mart,IIRC there is Eric (the ranger) and Bobby (the Barbarian) I'm not sure if Uni was there or not

Timber Loftis 10-09-2002 04:42 PM

There is also a painting hanging in the props room of the theater in the bridge district that I think looks suspiciously related to those in Ribald's shop. Anyone else ever notice this?

Daniel 10-10-2002 05:37 AM

The Forgotten realms TV Series is currently being written by Bob Salvatore, big artical about it can be found on Salvatore's web site.

Here's the article also Salvatore stated in an interview that he would like to use this oppotunaty to create a Drow mini film. Could he be plotting to sneak Drizzt onto the big screen? we can only wait and see - personally I hope not, I am a huge Salvatore and Drizzt fan and fear that a TV appearance would ruin Drizzt for me, TV tends to do that to my favourite characters.

[ 10-10-2002, 05:39 AM: Message edited by: Daniel ]

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