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Desuma_Malevois 09-28-2001 06:11 PM

For those of you who also love Aerie, but wouldn't feel comfortable in her "Holy Temple", I'm starting a new place where we can discuss the many ways we can serve her.


Personally, I like her sliced thin , sauteed, and served on wheat toast with a little Grey Poupon.

Welcome to KFA, a.k.a. "Kentucky Fried Avariel", where Drongo, our halfling chef, works day and night to create new Aerie delicacies for your sophisticated palates! Remember, it's not cannibalism if they're not the same species as you.

Now we know what REALLY happened to Aerie's wings!

Jerome 09-28-2001 06:18 PM


Whats the special of the day?


Within the jungle of my deepest emotion,
With a coat resplendant in a golden sheen,
Swiftly hunting my tender love,
Stalks the regal, Feline Queen

Tuor 09-28-2001 06:25 PM

Mmmmmmmmmmmh, do you do Aerie kebabs? do you want me to teach you how to cook them?

'scribble, scribble scribble, fold, fold, lick, fold, press' mails application form to be trainee chef at KFA.

'sits patiently' rocking, giggling manically

Desuma_Malevois 09-28-2001 06:28 PM


Originally posted by Jerome:

Whats the special of the day?

The special of the day is Avariel cream puffs, so light and fluffy they're positively "Aerie". Really though, Drongo will be happy to try any recipe you might suggest.

Desuma_Malevois 09-28-2001 06:32 PM


Originally posted by Tuor:
Mmmmmmmmmmmh, do you do Aerie kebabs? do you want me to teach you how to cook them?

'scribble, scribble scribble, fold, fold, lick, fold, press' mails application form to be trainee chef at KFA.

'sits patiently' rocking, giggling manically

OK Tuor, you've got the job, but keep those kebab sticks handy. I'm expecting an angry contingent of altar boys from Aerie's temple any moment.

Tuor 09-28-2001 06:36 PM

Hooray 'Tuor does frenzied little dance round his dark dank EEVIL castle'

I'm quite, quite happy to kebab, skewer, roast, sautee or fry them too.

They're probably to busy singing hymns to each other, cuddling their teddy bears and doling out love to even realise the crunchy goodness and nutrients to be had by feasting on their precious goddess.

Incidently cooking her is great she doesn't make me sick when she is cooking at gas mark 6.

[This message has been edited by Tuor (edited 09-28-2001).]

Tuor 09-28-2001 07:29 PM

Place your orders please

Killing Spree 09-28-2001 07:45 PM

~Holds invitation and looks around~

Well... It's no cult to Boo... But it'll do for now. HOWDY YA'LL!

Personally I think some spicy Aerie wings are a great addition to any movie night, and much better than any old bag of popcorn.

She's also great for breakfast, I specialize in scrambled, hard-boiled, and poached Aerie.

But likely my greatest aspiration is my canned food company. Here were mercilessly slaughter Aerie (her followers are oh so kind as to ressurect her over and over so we may kill her over and over) and pack her into small cans where she is consumed world-wide by cynical people me... AHERM... Like ourselves...

Of course you can always just wrap a shred of dried flesh up in some paper, light a match and puff away! I rather like this place... MWAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA!

Tuor 09-28-2001 07:47 PM


It is a jolly friendly place unless you're a certain wet, whiney, wingless elflet.

Desuma_Malevois 09-28-2001 07:55 PM

Welcome Killing Spree! I'm glad you got my invitation.

I'm afraid we're a bit low on spicy Aerie wings right now, as they're in somewhat limited supply. If you don't mind waiting until Aerie's temple succeeds in their plans to regrow her wings, we'll raid the "pantry" and get more!

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