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Kyrvias 07-13-2010 02:11 PM

Dragon Age 2 (Rant included, PG)
<font color = mediumspringgreen>What the HELL? So far, the changes included are:

1. No origins. You play a predetermined character like in Mass Effect. Hopefully you'll be able to change his appearance. You can only be a human. Sorry Elves and Dwarves!

2.No more tree branch dialogue. Dialogue now is the wheel from mass effect, which hints at what emotions are going to be used in the different responses. ie: {anger} {Flirt} etc

3."Better Graphics". Screenshots can be found at the top of this page.I know it's still early in development, but the second screen is just HORRID. Not something I'd be proud to unveil.

4.For console users, the strategy based combat is gone. They're changing it for more "fluid, gamepad combat." Combat on PC will remain unchanged from tactical.

After doing a little research, that's all I see. I am extremely dissapointed. It just looks like they're trying to turn DA 2 into the lovechild betweeen MAss Effect 2 and The Witcher, instead of staying to the formula that earned them a resepectable new IP. See how shortlived the "Spiritual successor" to baldurs gate thing lasted?

I realise that Mass effect 2 sold more, so I'm not sure who to blame. Bioware, or EA. Obviously EA, but if all of these are the choices of Bioware, I'm not sure what to think anymore.

God knows my girlfriend will be dissapointed. It's her first RRG on the computer, and she's invested a lot of hours into it. She hates Mass Effect 2. *sigh*

Guess we'll all just have to wait and see. And hope for the best. </font>

SpiritWarrior 07-13-2010 02:22 PM

Re: Dragon Age 2 (Rant included, PG)
Well, maybe I will find it easier to get into DA2 than I did the original. The screens do look washed out but not too different. I would be surprised if they did a complete graphical overhaul for the sequel. My money is on them tweaking the original, and boxing it with the name Dragon Age 2 on it.

Kakero 07-13-2010 02:56 PM

Re: Dragon Age 2 (Rant included, PG)
Meh, I kinda like Mass Effect 2. I see nothing wrong with going into that direction. No more origin story? suit me just fine. The origin story was a gimmick anyway, after you finish it the rest of the story become the same. So one would play all the origin stories and then choose 1 you like to continue playing the rest. Better graphic? The screenshot certainly didn't do justice then, as I see it is way worse the DA1.

SpiritWarrior 07-13-2010 10:07 PM

Re: Dragon Age 2 (Rant included, PG)
Well, I agree the origin story was indeed a gimmick. You know what it was? A ripped off version of the starting areas in WoW. Once you get out in the world it don't matter if you're a noble or an elven scrub. There are some minor references, but not enough to warrant the title "Origins". For that matter you could call WoW, Warcraft: Origins.

Kyrvias 07-13-2010 10:23 PM

Re: Dragon Age 2 (Rant included, PG)
<font color = mediumspringgreen> Oh don't be that guy. WoW is certainly not the first game to have different starting areas.

People just thought that your origins would impact more. Turns out they didn't, except for the final decision and some conversation choices, and how a few plot relevant characters treated you. That was Bioware's attempt at the gimmick, and it failed.

But now what was one of the few "Create your OWN character, choose a race, etc, fantasy RPG's is just turning into another Mass Effect/The Witcher Combo. Hell, on consoles, might as well add Fable as an illegitimate father due to the hack and slashing.

Unrelated, I do find myself excited for Fable 3. But that's another topic entirely. </font>

SpiritWarrior 07-13-2010 10:32 PM

Re: Dragon Age 2 (Rant included, PG)
It's not, but it is the first to be most successful doing so. From day one I saw MAJOR similarities between DA and WoW. I actually think of DA as the offline version of it. Or the single-player version. And why not? There's no shame in emulating stuff that works. You say yourself the origins didn't have much effect or lasting meaning in this game. Well, I feel they have the same impact on your characters path as your race does in WoW. That's all :)

CerebroDragon 07-14-2010 12:11 AM

Re: Dragon Age 2 (Rant included, PG)
Colour me unsuprised at this news.

I just finished Awakening for the first time in 14 hours and I must say that it was very lukewarm compared to even Origins, which was mediocre at best. Then you compare it to the likes of Throne of Bhaal or Tales of the SwordCoast and it really leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Insipid level design, unmemorable encounters, lack of quality choices that made Origins somewhat interesting and very weak short responses in dialogue.

Mass Effect 2 was a 22 hour experience for me and whilst having an interesting enough characters and interactive cut-scenes, its weak combat and streamlined (i.e dumbed down) character system spoilt it and made it relatively forgettable.

To see the Dragon Age IP travel down this Mass Effect direction and away from the traditional cRPG even more, is not really a surprise if you consider the financial success that BioWare and EA have had as a consequence. Doesn't make it any less frustrating for the roleplayers amongst us though.

For more information on Dragon Effect, check RPGWatch's reactions/links:

Kyrvias 07-14-2010 01:47 AM

Re: Dragon Age 2 (Rant included, PG)
<font color = mediumspringgreen> Seems to me the only relatively RPG experience we can look forward to is, ironically, in an MMO. From waht I've looked at for The Old Republic, it may well be a better RPG than DA 2 is shaping to be.

Which is sad, really. </font>

Memnoch 07-14-2010 04:18 AM

Re: Dragon Age 2 (Rant included, PG)

Originally Posted by SpiritWarrior (Post 1241389)
Well, maybe I will find it easier to get into DA2 than I did the original. The screens do look washed out but not too different. I would be surprised if they did a complete graphical overhaul for the sequel. My money is on them tweaking the original, and boxing it with the name Dragon Age 2 on it.

Did you find it hard to get into the first one did you? I found it hard to get into the PS3 version of it as the interface was too hard for me to get used to. Loved the PC version of it though!!! :D

SpiritWarrior 07-14-2010 05:04 AM

Re: Dragon Age 2 (Rant included, PG)

Originally Posted by Memnoch (Post 1241408)
Did you find it hard to get into the first one did you? I found it hard to get into the PS3 version of it as the interface was too hard for me to get used to. Loved the PC version of it though!!! :D

Bah, I start and stop. I make a character and get into the game, then I get bored. Sometimes I don't get past the starting area. Sometimes I go hours into it. Inevitably though, I realize I am not having fun anymore and just lack the motivation to continue.

I can't seem to pinpoint my problem. I am not sure if it's the classes or the gameplay or the engine or a combination of all these things. I gave up trying at this stage and have moved onto other things. Maybe DA2 will do it for me, who knows?

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