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Aurum 09-01-2001 11:37 AM

Fine, is truth that I not think, but after de 3 turns, defeat to 3 dragons, will, I not remember which was more difficult, I think that the red. Help!

Principium mors est.
But when the world of the deads comes,
we will already be there.

deathknight 09-01-2001 01:36 PM

If you are trying to ask which dragon was the hardest to kill my vote would go to the black dragon that you kill in the elven city. Most all of the dragon fights are really not that difficult compared to some of the killer spellcasters.

Encard 09-01-2001 10:14 PM

I'd say the black dragon was actually the easiest. Of the SoA dragons, the red was probably the hardest, although the shadow ragon was somewhat unpleasant with the level drain breath. The black seemed a bit pitiful to me, actually. *shrug*

Lord of the RaBid Fruit Trees. ChAos rules all! Bwahahahaha...

Lestat 09-01-2001 11:29 PM

Yuppers, the black one was easy. All it did was cast Plant Growth and attack.

NiamhFoxling 09-01-2001 11:37 PM

*blushes* I found them all terribly hard, and had to resort to cheez tactics like wands of cloudkill and the ever-marvelous wand of wonder...guess I'm not much of a dragon-slayer.

I go through trolls and drow like an acetylene torch through three-month-old chocolate pudding, though....

------------------ Playing the cutest li'l Chaotic characters since 1996.

Lestat 09-02-2001 12:36 AM


Originally posted by NiamhFoxling:
*blushes* I found them all terribly hard, and had to resort to cheez tactics like wands of cloudkill and the ever-marvelous wand of wonder...guess I'm not much of a dragon-slayer.

I go through trolls and drow like an acetylene torch through three-month-old chocolate pudding, though....

Everybody goes through Drow like an acetylene torch through three-month-old chocolte pudding

Lestat 09-02-2001 12:39 AM


Originally posted by Aurum:
Fine, is truth that I not think, but after de 3 turns, defeat to 3 dragons, will, I not remember which was more difficult, I think that the red. Help!

This makes no sense whatsoever...

Which is the hardest dragon?
How to defeat the red dragon in three turns?
It's true that I don't think, but after the three turns, defeated to 3 dragons, well, I don't remember which one was the hardest, I think the red. Help?

Dundee Slaytern 09-02-2001 12:44 AM


I killed the Black Dragon in two rounds thanks to my Sorcerer, here's how.

Using either Limited Wish or a Scroll bought from Ribald in the Adventurer Mart, cast Chain Contingency and store 3 Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wiltings in it. Set the conditions to trigger when enemy is sighted and cast to nearest enemy.

I had Odin Magnus, my Sorcerer, Jaheira, Imoen, Anomen, Keldorn and Jan in my party.

Anomen and Keldorn were not involved in the fight other than waving their weapons and taunting the Black Dragon.

Here's what happened... ...

The party, accompanied by 2 Aerial Servants, 2 Mountain Bears and 1 Fire Elemental, walks up to the Black Dragon and start talking smack to him. The Black Dragon of course, gets mad and goes hostile, the battle begins.

Round One:

Odin, Jan and Imoen starts casting Lower Resist, Jaheira casts Insect Plague while Anomen, Keldorn and the summons move in to engage in melee.

Black Dragon casts Entangle and counters with Wing Buffet, Anomen, Keldorn and the summons all get knocked back before they get a chance to hit the Black Dragon.

Odin's Chain Contingency finally triggers, Black Dragon gets really desicated as the 3 ADHW suck the moisture out of it.

Round Two:

Jaheira casts Lightning Storm and *ZAP!*, Black Dragon is defeated.

If not a Sorcerer, then a Paladin.
Baldur's Gate Item Mart

fckoln 09-02-2001 01:49 AM

Lestat, you must remember that not everyone is this forum speaks English only. Aurum is from Mexico, and BTW - props to those that can speak (and type) more then one language.

I'd say I had the hardest time with Frikag (sp), but he was the first dragon and therefore the hardest because of my level. I think the worms in BG2 where a bit watered down. Still fun though.

Aurum 09-02-2001 02:03 PM


Principium mors est.
But when the world of the deads comes,
we will already be there.

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