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Old 12-24-2004, 12:28 PM   #7

Join Date: January 10, 2002
Location: Upstate NY
Age: 56
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[img]smile.gif[/img] ... just pointing out that a running ticker of vulnerabilities biased to provide the illusion that M$ alternatives are somehow better is a bit ludicrous... we are all living in glass houses.

I also think it's downright dangerous to mislead people into believing that linux is not subject to as many flaws and vulnerabilities as Windows. People should choose an OS knowing that NONE of them are perfect, and only seeing Windows problems highlighted day after day is misleading at best... deceptive at worst. A ban would probably be a good idea, point people to sites like Secunia and tell them to do their own research.

Today's Secunia list, like yesterdays, was dominated by UNIX/LINUX sofware.
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