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Old 02-13-2009, 01:41 AM   #5
20th Level Warrior

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Default Re: Harsh words from MS about MS (MicroSoft)

What games have Vista problems? Legacy ones?

I'm going to be honest here...the only problem I've had with Windows Vista was Hewlett Packard's fault---they deemed it not worth their time to write a driver for my girlfriend's printer.

That said, on a properly configured modern machine, it can actually be a pleasure to run. Our university had a program wherein students qualified for a free copy of Windows Vista Ultimate, and on my machine it ran very well, was much more aesthetically pleasing, and had several other smart features (like being faster with ftp downloads than XP, a great search feature that allowed you to find your programs quickly without digging through a crowded "All Programs" menu).

I could go on about why I liked it, and continue to, but, all that said, I had an overclocked Core 2 Duo system, and will soon have a Quad-Core Phenom system, with 3 and 4 GB RAM respectively. Vista runs well on my girlfriend's laptop (2.2GHz Core 2 Duo w/ 2GB RAM), but I wouldn't run it on much less.

Windows 7 looks nice enough that I may actually buy a retail copy of it, just so that I don't have to deal with all the hassle of an OEM copy...but, don't expect the moon.

All this said, Windows XP's days should be over. We need much smarter security built into our systems that don't require hours upon hours to configure and scan, only to discover all the items that slipped through the cracks.

Yep. I think that UAC is a good thing. The '7' UAC looks like it will be a bit better, but the Vista version is a good start.

Is that what you really want to say?
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