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Old 05-12-2010, 11:43 PM   #1
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Shocked Eyjafjallajökull Volcano Web cam! (Amazing stuff)

The Volcano that is causing the airline issues (Eyjafjallajökull) is STILL at it. I've been watching it, and today it's REALLY shooting ash high into the air.

Eyjafjallajökull is in Iceland, so the daytime would be like 11am till 4pm in EST for the USA.. Check your timezone clock on google to see when its daylight for your area.
(Even at night, you can sometimes see large lava showers shooting into the air from the caldera)

Now this IS Iceland, so it can be really cloudy. If you can't see the volcano because of clouds, try again another time. There is another Cam also.
(Sometimes the webfeed doesn't load fast-traffic I guess)

The MUCH larger quiet volcano, Katla is not active.. but in historic records, every time Eyjafjallajökull erupted, Katla did shortly afterwards.
Katla's Magma chamber is 30 times larger, and if it did go off, it would cause massive flooding locally, world wide weather changes, a LOT more
airliner cancellations and worse. Sounds fun, eh?

What is scary, is there have been recent earthquakes under Katla. Which is extremely rare.

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