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Old 08-05-2011, 03:30 PM   #94
Drow Priestess

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Ironworks Forum Re: New NASA Data Debunks Global Warming

Why do these scientists always make it seem like human beings are unnatural? Are we somehow not part of nature?

For everyone's perusal, I offer The Climate Skeptic, your place for "one stop shopping" when you need to debunk something an alarmist is trying to tell you. Notice that I do not agree with everything here--he is against wind power; I favor it because its only costs are in building and maintaining the turbines (wind is free)--so it isn't a site I blindly follow. However, it does collect all the appropriate data and shows you how the alarmists are misrepresenting data to further their cause.
Everything may be explained by a conspiracy theory. All conspiracy theories are true.

No matter how thinly you slice it, it's still bologna.
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