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Old 03-03-2013, 04:35 PM   #1
Symbol of Cyric
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Default Truespace? ...or move on?

I admit to being a novice of 3D art. Perhaps its my timing:

I've played around with truespace 3.2 (the freebie back in the day) and even with truespace 7.6 (the freebie once caligari went out of business and microsoft bought them out... sad day that that was). Now, if you are interested in learning about truespace you are at a loss, because all the truespace internet resources (tutorials, demos, and models) seem to be disappearing . I think truespace is great but I don't know enough about it...

There is blender, which I have almost no experience with. I had tried a tutorial way back around the same time as the death of caligari, but never completed it. Perhaps this is the way to go, as it seems the most supported for a freeware product.

Then again, Wings3D is kinda neat, and I've played around with it lately. I think its easier to use but way more basic and lightweight than the previous two mentioned (it really doesn't have an actual renderer built in, but you can link it to pov-ray and/or export to another program).

My actual point to all of this was to ask if there were any truespace users left somewhere and if so perhaps they could recommend a link for tutorials. If not, perhaps I need to move on.

ST the true
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