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Old 02-07-2019, 04:38 PM   #4
Lord Ao

Join Date: May 27, 2004
Location: Canada
Age: 43
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Default Re: My NobleNick party!

ZFR! Thanks for putting me in your tribute party - I'm touched.

I think you're spot on with the composition. I bit the bullet and bought the IWD:EE version for my phone as well as my computer, so I've picked up this game again after literally years away. I had to relearn some things. I've got a HoF party going - naturally - and also decided to try out a heavy dual-classing version; F->Cl, F->Dr, F->M, although I did use a F/M/T and mc R/C to round it out. The key differences are the addition of kits (trying a skald instead of my usual bard) and dual wielding for all - which makes a GM fighter with a +APR weapon in the off hand even more powerful.

I think you maybe dual the cleric at 7 for the APR, as the druid will handle the healing and summoning. that 1/2 attack with Haste and DUHM means a lot of additional melee damage over the course of the game. It is a shame that we must resort to violence.

If you're interested, I'm on the IWDEE publisher's forums under the same name I use here. I never properly soloed IWD, and I have now soloed a dc Cl29->Mage30 in HoF. The character has maxed out levels and is in TotL...
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