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Old 01-01-2004, 11:24 PM   #3
Symbol of Cyric

Join Date: April 20, 2003
Location: Sarasota, Florida, USA
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Originally posted by Rockstar:
i can't remember if there are any advantages with earning cash with the theives or bodie. also if you choose the graveyard, can you get edwin in your party? is doing the graveyard more annoying and longer (if i remember right it is)
You'll need the same amount of cash for both sides, and eventually get the same items. However, there is more experience to be had if you side with the thieves, and you'll get an interesting item if you side with Bodhi. (Don't ask me what this item is--either have someone else tell you or side with Bodhi yourself. I'm not gonna spoil everything. )

You can still get Edwin and side with Bodhi as long as you don't side with the thieves first. I'm not sure if you can finish the Mae'Var quest and report back to Renal and still side with Bodhi.

Personally, I prefer Bodhi over the thieves. Her quests are interesting and actually accomplish a goal, rather than being Aran's messenger boy then mercenary. But it's up to the character and ultimately the player to decide which is better.

PS: If the PC is a thief, forget about siding with Bodhi. She doesn't trust thieves. Wonder why.

PPS: Once you pick a side, the game forces you to be loyal to that side. So no siding with the thieves then shooting up the stronghold--at least, unless you really want to meet Arkanis Gath.
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