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Old 08-31-2004, 12:05 AM   #10
Lord Ao

Join Date: May 27, 2004
Location: Canada
Age: 42
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I knew as soon as I saw Spiff's bard-unhappy post that NobleNick would have something to say about that; after all, he drives the Bard bandwagon.

For good reason. The bard is the ULTIMATE 6th character. It's not one you'd typically build a party around (like, say, a paladin or a fighter/druid), but it is support par excellence. The bard takes pressure off of everyone - pickpockets to supplement the thief, spells to supplement the mages, and War Chant to supplement the clerics AND the warriors. The other songs may save your party's bacon at certain areas of the game. Also, the Horn of Valhalla essentially removes the necessity of memorizing low-to-mid level summonings.

Back on topic - D/C is the way to go for powerhouse games. M/C is for interest value and ease of gameplay (in the start to mid-game, and as NobleNick pointed out specifically, in shorter games). I like the demi-humans, especially gnome multiclass ?/illusionists. They can use interesting items that cannot be used by humans (Helm of the Trusted Defender), and get different dialogue options. Plus, some of the portraits are just so darned cool.

NobleNick - just one minor thing: you said above that a D/C fighter/mage cannot use a longbow. Are you sure about that? It's been a while since I've played one, but I'm fairly certain that I could. It was in my pre-HoW days, though. Does that make a difference?

[ 08-31-2004, 12:07 AM: Message edited by: Aerich ]
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