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Old 03-20-2001, 09:54 PM   #1
Dying Sun
Elite Waterdeep Guard

Join Date: March 9, 2001
Posts: 25
Hello everybody, freudianslip here.

I was just cleaning house, and collecting stuff for Goodwill, blah blah blah, and I perchanced to come across a few old computer games that used to occupy my time like few things have done. If you had to pick the ONE game that you've spent the most hours playing, which one would it be? (Okay, well, maybe the top three, it's so hard to narrow down.) The three I found that precipitated ol' freudianslip to sit in on Friday nights whilst other teenagers were out getting drunk and partying:

Master of Magic
1) (If you've never played this one, it comes highly reccommended. It's a turn based strategy, like Civilization, but with a lot more detail to combat.. you can cast whirlwhinds in town, possess enemies, etc. There are a plethora of magic and amagic units, and you can even design your own artifacts, or customize ALL of the artifacts in the game.. and not just the name. Power, effects, charges, spells, etc.)

Estimated total hours spent playing Master of Magic: 500

2) Civilization

Ah, the original Civilization. The crummy yet colorful graphics had me peering at the screen for many an hour, trying to expand my boundaries. A quote of mine that amused a history major friend of mine years later: "While they were building Wonders and city enhancements and other wuss stuff, I was building catapults!"

Estimated hours: 400

3) Total Annihilation

The king of RTS in my opinion.. 3d, articulating turrents, true LOS & range physics, and an interesting resource system.

Estimated hours: 350

What are yours? the games that saw you cancelling nights out with friends to play? The games that you thought about while in class?

Who's going to wear my sandals stained with cherry soda? We will, We will!----
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