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Old 08-28-2003, 08:13 PM   #12

Join Date: July 18, 2001
Location: America, On The Beautiful Earth
Age: 50
Posts: 5,373
Heres a cut-n-paste of the readme for ya, it works fine for me....It includes mod spoilers near the end....

The module you downloaded from the main NWN Vault file is brand new, as of
8-23-03 -20:00 EST
It requires a movie and music files. I will post separate links for the music files and the new module…future updates for this package will also be uploaded at a new link, if needed. If there is something wrong then feel free to post your thoughts/ideas. I will make regular check up at the NWN Vault. The module was created using patch 1.29 but it should run if you have SoU1.30 or 1.31. Others have played it using those versions.

Here is the scoop:
File package #1 is the 8MB .zip file you download from NWN Vault

File Package #2 is the exact same package, minus the aribethmod.hak…it is smaller for people to download…that way they don’t have to keep downloading the much larger aribethmod.hak file….there is another module only file available (if you have all music/movie/haks)
LINK: – 8-23-03 14:00PM EST
When you get to this link, there is an Aribeth folder link to open, it contains the two files.
Note: If you want to enter the module as a new 1st level character, you should download the Ari_momar file/s at that link.

File Package #3…the AOL, WintyrKnight links…this module is lacking one bmu music file for those who don’t want to download the larger music files…it is otherwise the same.
I’m thinking about phasing out these links…unless requested.
this .zip has module update file,
and 1 movie .bik.--to put into movie folder
one new sound.hak to go in the hak folder
and the .doc file -always the same

you need this .bmu file to go into the music folder.

Update Notes after Descriptive essay.

Answers/Spoilers at the bottom of file.

Aribeth’s Revival v1.0 by Poecile
Yes, you have done it…as a lowly recruit in the bowels of Tyr’s Temple, you have strove onward facing unthinkable obstacles. You have gathered ancient artifacts. You have uncovered an extraordinary plan. This Source Stone would allow the rise of the Old Ones…not just throughout all of Faerun, but across many dimensions! What?!

Morag intently linked the powers of the stone to enmesh a multitude of dimensions…and lo, a happen chance meeting with none other than Asheera, Aribeth’s parallel twin from one such dimension. Or…what?!

She had a convincing story, Asheera that is. Yes, this strange revelation and then her odd gift, but Asheera can no longer remain…you must continue without her…no problem, you’ve left Aribeth behind to face Moarg, so now you get to leave her parallel twin in your wake.

Kapow! Morag is defeated, and Ka-Boom, the Source Stone is neutralized…the multiverse is spared the onslaught of the Old Ones. The Stone Slave, Haedraline is overcome with joy, and she gives you a happy dance. Oh great defender of worlds, you have done it! Now you can…WHAT?!?!? What can I do now! All I can do is a little two-step with Haedraline?!?! I want to get back to Castle Never and I demand to see Aribeth!!!

I’ll bust Lord Nasher over the head if he even thinks he’s going to have someone lay a finger, let alone an axe, on her head. So help me, I’ll finish what Morag started if they harm a single hair on her lovely head! But I’m stuck in a freekin Astral Portal?!

Ok, I wanted to try to create a resolution to the story…my player character’s story. I kept Aribeth’s ring. I wanted to stop my search for the flippin cult because I knew she was wavering; she was experiencing some very troubling dreams. I could have paused the hunt for clues in Charwood in order to spend some time with Aribeth, we both could’ve used a break. I wanted to give her a smooch before heading into the Source Stone…I mean come on! I’m going to enter this huge make-shift artifact to fight a duo of dragons and other lizards AND Morag! Supposing I succeed, am I supposed to hail a cab or what? I might not ever see Aribeth again!!! And as it turned out, Haedraline is the last creature I conversed with…!!! HAEDRALINE!!! For crying out loud…

So yeah, this module is not a terribly detailed role-playing experience. It is a quasi-adventure, a dialogue driven conclusion, of sorts. It poses possibilities, it plays with the Source Stone’s questionable powers, it lets you meet Aribeth, Nasher, Aarin…it offers some semblance of a wrap-up, while trying to be a little RPG. And, did I mention, Aribeth gets to be your sidekick. I tried to balance manageability, on my part, with substance…The module might take 1-2 hours to play, but ideally, I would probably add another 1-2 hours or more.

From the start, there is the obvious…we were left with Haedraline’s blessing. We, who have pledged ourselves to Aribeth’s safety, are eager to return to try to set things right. There is no clearer starting point. I have an ending point in mind, though there a sure to be many, e.g. Aribeth is spared, Aribeth’s wedding, Aribeth’s atonement…the list can go on in a variety of ways. Check out the “lovely,lovely Aribeth” thread at Bioware’s forums, in the [(*spoiler*) official campaign threads].

But, I set out building a module for my character…I wanted to get from point A to point B, it’s easy to set out grand plans to fill that gap, but as play test after play test increased in duration, there is a feeling of, ugh, I just want to wrap things up quickly.
Though I was prepared to deliver a triple-decker sandwich, I hope a mere single layer will suffice any who want to continue with the story of Aribeth.

I have to assume that Aribeth falls for a character of good alignment, reasonable INT, WIS, CHA…a class like Paladin would also be more reasonable, I’m not too sure she’d be fond of rogues, necromancers, or barbarians as an example. In addition, she’d most likely be limited to an elf/human/half-elf character. I played through my module as the Player Character that I used in the Official Campaign, a 16th level Human Paladin though things do change…I try to keep the storyline “in tune” with the way things were left off…and I try to pose further adventures/issues.

So, if Aribeth was endearing to your PC…then this module is geared in your direction. It is mainly biased toward a good aligned character that has fallen in love with Aribeth, and who hopes to find the opportunity to resume the adventure with her once again. For instance, you are not about to let her waste away in a prison cell…you are not about to let Lord Nasher hand out a death sentence…and as it turned out, she really likes you.

Some tips:
Potions, potions potions…buff yourself up…the module can be finished without either of you dying…but you will probably need lots of potions. Cat’s Grace, Haste, Bull’s Strength, Barkskin…and Heal/Health potions.

In the early stages, I found this application to be an invaluable tool:

/* Script generated by
Lilac Soul's NWN Script Generator, v. 1.2
For download info, please visit: */

69MEH69 Module Builder’s Henchman Kit v1.8
which includes Pausanius’ Henchman scripting.

The NWN Lexicon is a great reference.

The NWN Vault has just about everything one needs.

Aribeth's Armor for PCs/NPCs
Version 1.20 Third Release
By: Ta'lith

BearThing…5 Aribeth heads hak.

Whoaneli- shadowhak, for hoods.

Bioware forums are very helpful, notably:

Forum: Thornstone PW Script and Helpdesk, moderated by CID-78…
for item/gold “transfers”

Forum: The Crossroads, moderated by savvon
for portal/home recall system scripts.

-Worked with issue of Aribeth getting caught firing arrows at nearby enemies while transitioning between areas. If, through a small chance, this occurs, the PC will be noted that he can begin conversation with her…when entering the Breach area. The inn area will be taken care of using a 6 second ticker to ensure the conversation is played.
-Cleaned up the “Welcome home greetings” moment to keep the hallway clear.
-Overmind’s ‘easter egg’
-Names added to NWN banner
-Flamewielder’s alignment discussions prompted me to adjust Aribeth’s alignments
(First, pre-leveling Ari, Chaotic Good…to reflect what might be considerd a ‘chaotic’ state of mind)
(Next Ari, shifts towards Neutral Good)
(Final Aris, solidifies herself back at Lawful Good)
-EmperorYan’s trouble with the return to main Castle area after preliminary hearing fix, cleared log-jam.
-added a few keys for locked doors
-added a +1 Longbow in grainmiller’s house

-Removed dialogue trigger problem in secluded area(thanks Jenniza)
-the rat makes a comeback, after all inn dialogues…before, the rat would roam and could possibly upset Aribeth breaking the dialogue tree.
-checked over bakery, added a hidden key in case it is necessary.
-edited pop-up dialogue for never gates.

-Added a home for me, for anyone who wants to rough me up.
-more dialogue tweaks
-exacting choreography for final scene
-many touch ups.
-playtests. Ugh.

-Added home in Neverwinter, with a family pair…with dialogue.
-Added dialogue lines to two Neverwinter citizens.
-Cleared up Castle Front (Foyer) Door confusion…can now use Neverwinter gates.
-Added appropriate dialogue to Never guards outside the wall gates.
-Added two conversations with Aribeth at the Countryside inn area.
-Tweaked ‘thebirds’ conversation
-added two music files, with hak
-updated all map notes…should show on the mini-map.
-added signpost to breach area.
-touched up some dialogue.
-fine tuned inn and secluded pool choreography.

8-15-03- 10:30A.M.EST
The Bag of Holding issue is addressed much more precisely. I wanted to make sure I took care of this properly, rather than arbitrarily. I realized that I forgot to set up all the criteria for every PC, and varying #’s of bags. The transition should now be set up to be more accurate and precise. I am sorry for not taking care of this, when I should have…I think I was half-asleep and using candle-light. Thanks. Note the new link above.

8-15-03- 00:05A.M EST
---In this file—Aarin dialogue fix, should you return to speak with him, it now works without recycling old dialogue
---The bakery triggers should work better now.
---A gift from Jesh should get you going.
---Those undead might get tough…Ari has some pretty good advice to give.
---Out in the air once again…this dialogue will now stop replaying should you travel back through area
---Tweaked Ari’s movement in the inn, and the secret passage cut scenes
---Worked with the Bag of holding issue before you meet Asheera, and Haedraline will advise you on these matters now.

AN IMPORTANT MATTER…added 8-13-03 21:22PM EST
Due to the nature of leveling up henchmen and reloading previous saves, it is important to try to manage save games a bit more precisely. If you save a game while Aribeth is Level one, at the start, and then you advance her a level or two, there is a problem with reloading that old save. It is a matter of trying to sort out just what is causing a problem. The dialogue tree does not allow the option to tell her to level up in such cases.

The solution is fairly easy to manage, try to keep up with saves after every level up, or better yet, don’t let you or Aribeth die, it can be done with planning. And if you are to die, by a lucky blow, then just respawn back at Castle Never rather than reloading a very old save game. I have played through the module many times without dying, but not every time. Most often, I forget to buff myself up, or I get distracted by real-life stuff. So, to sum up, don’t get your butt kicked.

***Note, 8-14-03 16:35P.M EST—I made some changes to the module, trying to get to the matter of playing saved games and getting triggers to work properly. I haven’t had a chance to really playtest to check this out. I did, however playtest again, without having to reload, without dying, without missing any conversations.
***Changed an issue with Bags of Holding and the Divining Pool. --For T.J.
***Added another Aribeth dialogue within the grainmiller’s house.
***Made a few cosmetic changes.
***I will refer back here after I upload in case there are specific matters that need addressing.

Updated 8-14-03…1:00AM EST
-Altered eavesdropping cut scenes to allow player to retrigger event if Aribeth fails to initiate dialogue.
-Altered Item acquisition to allow Aribeth to try to initiate dialogue during heartbeat of trigger
-Added pop-up reminders to keep you informed of when Aribeth should be near to your character…didn’t want to, it is kinda intrusive…but it helps keep things working the way they should.

Updated 8-13-03…14:00 EST
-Added proper 2-D image files to AribethMod.hak file, for Aribeth’s BlackGuard and Normal Armors
-Added another citizen to Neverwinter, with dialogue
-Added Avorleth’s script fix .erf file to enable Secret doors for v1.30 users
-Fixed some more typos and tweaked some dialogue.
-Tweaked atmosphere

OK, Here’s where I can put some answers/*spoilers*

One of the first things to do is level up your character when you arrive back home.

Urban, the first thing I would do is take care of the troubles in the cell area….then approach and speak to Aribeth, run through the dialogue. Find the key to the upper castle on the ground, it had fallen from one of the men. Talk to her neighbor cell mate.

Go up the stairs to the main castle area. Nasher and Aarin run to meet you. Hurrah. Speak to each of them. Then, speak with the Gnome, and, if you like, the cleric. Your journal entries should change.

After you are done with the gnome, you then you need to talk to Aarin and Aribeth. After you have spoken to each of them…Nasher will be all set to start the trial.

As for the eavesdropping conversations…there are two, one in the secret passage area. As soon as Aribeth nears the side of the opposite wall, a conversation should kick in…it might be delayed a second or two…also, try to set your detect mode to on, to walk slow…or if that didn’t work try the opposite, to run.

The other is in the bakery, this one could be trouble because Aribeth may get caught up in all the battle decisions, i.e. “which weapon, which enemy, any enemy?”…you should let her complete whatever she needs to do to get back to following your PC…when you near the backdoor, you should hear her whisper something, and then your PC will walk toward the light/wall. As soon as Aribeth comes close to your position, the conversation should start.
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