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Old 11-02-2006, 05:39 PM   #1
Ironworks Webmaster

     Bow to the Meow


Join Date: January 4, 2001
Location: Lakeland, Florida
Age: 51
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Found this review on the NWN2 forums.

Before i rant to much i must defend obsidian abit and say that i am a picky player! There are not too many games i enjoy, but NWN1 was one of them, and i played it down to the bone. (Ofcourse BG, BG2 too hehe). But when i finds a game simply not playable at all, with all the pre-hype, one has to say something. And, excuse my english, i am a non-english speaker, so bear with me.

Ok here goes:


What were you doing all the time, you cant have played this game much, got bored so fast you just forgot to mention any of the stuff to devteam? Or were you told the core engine was already finished so you couldnt rant about it? Or there maybe were no betatesters at all?


Well, what can i say. Honestly, this game isnt playable at all unless youre below 10 years old and just like watching a computer screen. Youll nessle up with the odd commandings again and again, its like learning MAC for the first time as an noobish pc user.
I havent played a game that has so unlogical, lack of, and problematic in-game interface ever, and i have played alot of games in many many years. Trust me.

Example 1: Your party is about to fight, and you find a container with 3 clubs. You ACUALLY HAVE TO SELECT EACH partymember, and manually pick up every club, then open up inventory and then manually equip the char with it. lool. Pick up a club 3 times instead of handing one over.

Example 2: Run around in circles with your A or D key, you can in full speed principally run around a quarter coin, so IF youre a WASD player, get used to run in oppositing halfcircles alot..

Example 3: You move about in the world in a kinda stressed slow-motion. Suddenly combat starts, and the enemies rushes against you so fast that if you dont press pause within a nano-second, youre dead. From slowmotion to superman-speed just to fast. Ive experienced this with no lag at all, so i can just confirm this is not a graphic issue.

There so much more... only a scrap on the surface my friends and i cant go on too much, would bore your eyes too much.


Sorry dudes, its been removed. Yes true, you can never anymore in a multiplayer game say Greetings or Goodbye etc to a fellow player. The V voice submenus in nwn1 is thereas no more. To me this was a major part of nwn1. Hehe, incredible!


NWN1 is, acually alot better. My dwarf i made in NWN2 looks like a little baby boy, apparently game-designers read alot of comic books, since this is very close to that, just uglier.


Acually, i can live with it, nuff said on the forum about it, but whats bother me is this in combo with the utterly bad gameinterface makes the game unplayable, unless you like spending time on doing things you wanted to do in 1 sec (and surely did in nwn1 in 1 sec), now takes 10 sec if you learn everything beforehand.


I play alot of games online, acually i practically never play solo, so i know my internetconnection rocks in that part, since i have no problems with it.

In NWN2, be surprised if you will be online for more than 1 minute, i didnt manage that, and i tried for about 2 hours. Disconnections all the time.

No voiceacting as i said, oh yeah you can scream "attack" and "heal me" still, but its simply not enough.


*Closes the dvd box and stuffs it on the shelf*.

Well, this one is gonna suck dust until things improve. And as another guy said here on forum, the patches cant fix these things its in the CORE ENGINE. No scripter in the world can makes these things go away.

I am afraid nwn2 made nwn die.. The community will shrink so much theyre gonna ask what the hell happened..

Good luck you still filled with optimism.

If there are going to be a NWN3, i hope bioware leads it, then ill get it blindly, but no obsidian games for me, sorry.

I feel very bad in telling all this cause i know some people at obsidian has worked soo hard soo long with this, but they have worked too hard in developing and just way too little in playing it, thus we have the finished product as it is..

I am truly sorry Obsidian. Had to tell.

Seems lacking in many areas... I'll have my copy in a few days. It's shipping.

Let us know Mems how you like it.
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