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Old 11-19-2006, 03:07 PM   #7
Xanathar Thieves Guild

Join Date: March 17, 2001
Location: Wichita, KS USA
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The toolset, and MP, are a large part of this game, whether individual players will use them or not. Some people will. Your saying they don't matter to you does not diminish the issues with them in the least. As I said before, a long while back, MP, and the toolset are the only things I'd really buy this game for, and based on all I've read, and been told personally about MP, his review seems right on. The fact that there is no "updater" type set up for the walkmeshes means that people that want to host a MP world have to secure a download site for their walkmeshes, let alone .hak files. As you said, it's a sequel, some aspects of it should be better, not worse.
That being said, I've seen some really pretty screenshots from in a private game, and as far as I can tell from those, the game is much prettier. I'll know more about how it really plays pretty soon, I hope. Then I'll post my own review, based on my playing experience.
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