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Old 07-24-2002, 03:54 AM   #2

Join Date: April 5, 2002
Location: SW Montana
Posts: 575
In my opinion, you won't regret either a ranger [you may want to make him a mook so he can have a giant sword, extended attack range] or a second bishop.

The ranger's auto search is very handy, and their ability to kill from a distance very nice. A second bishop would be good, as well, or even a pure alchemist: the money these guys can generate will allow you to buy pretty much anything you want. You actually have to be careful NOT to exceed the million gold, or you'll reset the counter.

Since your lord and sam have divine and wiz covered, they will be able to do all your buffing after [about] level 12 [not real sure when they can learn missle and magic shields, enchanted and armor-- no doubt someone will fill us in], so if you go with the ranger, I'd probably concentrate the bishop on Divine, Alchemy and Wiz skills first. There are some nice psionic spells, but they aren't as crucial.

Would honestly reccomend a test party first if you are going iron man.

Oh, another option if you are devoted to ironman would be a valk instead of the fighter. Her cheat death ability is cool, and she can carry the bulk of your res. powders, bringing back the casulties after a fight. My valks hardly ever die.

Be sure and get the Bloodlust sword early, and give it to a character who doesn't normally get the beserk attack. The extra swings seem to get you more sword skill boosts.

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