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Old 10-28-2000, 02:58 PM   #1

Posts: n/a

*spoilers below*

I have a 'good' party and I have now traced the Tanner quest to the Umar hills and found the guy you have to buy the book from. If I choose to say "its over for you", he just runs away and thats pretty much the end of it as far as I can tell. If I tell him his name(which I STILL cant understand from the clues given on the scroll.. maybe Im just stupid, but thats one friggin hard riddle), I can get him to give me the quest to get some silver dragons blood.
My biggest question is this: can my neutral thief wear that armor after its finished? And also, what will killing a silver dragon do to my reputation and Paladin standing? I was just trying to go for the biggest EXP and item reward that I could

Thanx info,