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Old 10-29-2000, 02:39 PM   #4

Posts: n/a

Easiest way to beat golems (adamantite, iron, etc) is by cloudkill, it hammers them to the point where you can pretty much battle them on even terms. It helps a lot if you have the Rod of Smiting which can slay them in one hit but even if you don't:

1. Get your thief to hide in shadows and sneak up to right where he appears (he won't see your thief). Then back up just so that he disappears from view.
2. March your mage up to just behind your thief so they're both out of view and get him to cast cloudkill with the target near where the golem is.
3. After casting run back so that when he runs forward to find you he won't. He'll just stand there and suffer, you'll probably take about 30%-50% of his HP. Just cast cloudkill again if you need to, it will weaken him to the point where you can get your hasted fighters in, maybe with the Flail of Ages if you have that.

From memory i think it is only the clay golems that need magic blunt weapons, I think i beat the adamantite and iron golems with a magic sword.