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Old 03-17-2001, 12:34 AM   #8
Xanathar Thieves Guild

Join Date: March 17, 2001
Location: Wichita, KS USA
Age: 61
Posts: 4,537
Hail and well re-met, Yorick and all. After an extended vacation from my computer, due to the end of myself and my not so significant other, I have finally returned to the board, due to a really potent charm person spell, which I learned recently. In the split, I got custody of my computer!!! So I'm back, and interested in checking out the clan. I have successfully dodged the OHF, nothing personal, just not willing to commit at the time, but a Jester Clan would be just about right for me. Just a note for now, though, as I must check on all of my current games to see where I am.

"...and that's the bottom line, 'cause Robert the Bard says so!"
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