Thread: SOLUTION!!!!
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Old 03-26-2001, 12:00 PM   #1
Horus - Egyptian Sky God

Join Date: March 4, 2001
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Age: 42
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those who oppose
shall suffer my wrath
I am the golden sun
I am the golden death
-------- "The Shining Spirit"

This sword is made of finest raw iron. The hilt of the sword resembles the sharp claw of a dragon, and around it decorated blue clouds, the symbol of Akadi. The most awestricken thing is a golden ruby stamped on the sword hilt, and there was never a ruby glow a golden light such as this. The blade is perfectly balanced, though it is too masterful to be crafted by any mortal hands. Legends have it that, the sword was forged by Moridon, the greatest dwarven god. Obviously, he owed Akadi the Goddess of Air Elemental some service, the price was the birth of the Dragon Fang. It was then safely guarded at the elemental plane of Air until Corellon Larethian helped Akadi defeating her mortal enemy, "the Shining Spirit".

"The Shining Spirit" was the name of an ancient gold dragon who lived since the dawn of time. His true name is unknown or long forgotten, because he was one of the few creatures lived since the beginning of Toril. He, as well as many other dragons, believed they were the true masters of the world. Being a flying creature, he was supposed to be under domination of Akadi, the Air Elemental Goddess. However, the arrogant and rebellion spirit led a revolt against Akadi's rule, and he even managed to break into the Air Elemental Plane to challenge the goddess herself. Akadi had not expected "The Shining Spirit"'s daring move and was caught off guard. The arrival of Corellon Larethian, the God of All Elves, saved Akadi. Being a great magic user, Corellon cast a spell that imprisoned "The Shining Spirit" into a ruby stone.

Being very grateful for Corellon Larethian's assistance, Akadi gave Corelon her prized weapon, the Dragon Fang. And Corellon had stamped the ruby stone into it. Centuries later, there born an elf gifted with the blessing of Corellon, his name is Tethir. Tethir became one of the most powerful Bladesingers ever graced elven civilization. It is said Tethir was gifted with the Dragon Fang.

After the First Crown War, in -11700 DR, a flight of dragons invaded the forest of Keltormir (later known as Tethyr) on the west shore of Faerun (today's Sword Coast). It was a war between dragons and Keltormir giants, however, the fire of battles devastated many neutral grounding elves, and burnt the southern Shantel Othreier forests into ashes. The dragons paid no attention to the elves' lives, and they simply dismissed elf as "two feet cattle." It was then, Tethir, courageously stood out facing the odds. In the forth coming battle, he single handedly slew two ancient dragons. His sword, the Dragon Fang, was the reason why he could defeat such mighty foes. Tethir's action saved many elves lives in Keltormir forest and Shantel Othreier forest. Later, a portion of Keltormir was named after him, which is now today's Forest of Tethir. His stand earned the elves the respect of the dragons, and the war somehow settled down afterwards.

Tethir he was known to be the first recorded elven Dragonslayer. He carried the Dragon Fang until he died of aging. The sword will burn anyone who dared to wield it, therefore, it was kept by his clan members for years until later elves were persecuted through Tethyr. No one ever had any knowledge of whereabouts of this legendary weapon.

Type: Long sword
Dmg: 1d8 +5
thac0: +5
special: anyone who dares to wield this sword shall risk the wrath of "the Shining Spirit." A saving throw vs death must be made at -4 penalty. Failure means to be engulfed by a golden dragon's flame, which results an inresurrectable death.

Afterwards, every swing of the sword requires the wielder to make a saving throw vs death or be killed instantly, though the death is resurrectable. (unless he fell from sky, and smash like a potato...)

the Shining Spirit will attempt to burn any unholy beings who dare to touch it, it considers it as a disgrace.

note: the above only applies to mortal beings

those who are struck by the Dragon Fang shall suffer:
1d4 piercing dmg
1 bleeding dmg

the sword grants +2 movement
the sword grants +1 extra attack per round
the sword grants +2 AC
the sword grants +4 chrisma
the sword grants immune to fear
the wielder can levitate at will once per day for duration of 1 turn per level, his flying speed is half of a mature dragon. (the power of Akadi)

casts Golden Dragon Breath once per day:
the spell deals out d8 magic dmg per two levels of the wielder to the maximum of 15d8, it is as a breath of the gold dragon, however, this skill is extremely taxing, once use, for the rest of the day, Dragon Fang will become a 5 enchanted sword without all its special power.

detect evil/good at will

Once the blade is wield, the wielder should always wield it. It cannot be passed to other's hand unless the formal passes away or be slain. If there is an alignment change to evil, the sword will attempt to destroy its wielder. (a save vs death at -6 must be made to avoid)

Usable by:
neutral and good characters
elven bladesingers only (fighter/mage)
16 int minimum
16 wis minimum

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