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Old 04-30-2001, 01:23 PM   #2

Join Date: January 8, 2001
Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Age: 44
Posts: 6,541
Hello Ogotaii and welcome!!
I'm glad that you found this Forum and that you like it. We are all very happy with it and I think it's the best of its kind but anyway...I digress

Would you like to start a party with only selfcreated characters or are you going to take on NPCs in the game? It makes a difference with regard to your question, as there is a very good evil mage in the game.
But now to your real question, mage or sorceror...
I think everybody has a different opinion on this and there is no definitive answer. However, I will try and give you the basic pros and cons.

A mage is useful if you don't really know all the spells yet, as they can learn from scrolls (with the added bonus of getting experience from it) and if your intelligence is high enough, this means you can have an enormous stock of spells in your spell book.
If you know which spells you find usefull and which ones you don't, then a sorceror is a good choice. You can only have a limited amount of spells in your book, but if you choose them well, you'll have a great character, who'll be able to cast lots of good high level spells.
I played a sorceror once and I liked it that at a certain stage, I could cast 5 Chain Lightnings in a row .
Maybe you should try them out both for a while and decide which you like best.
Good luck!

Melusine, Archbabe of the OHF and the LH

Your voice is ambrosia
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