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Old 05-21-2001, 04:38 AM   #331

Join Date: January 8, 2001
Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Age: 44
Posts: 6,541

Sheesh guys...I mean seriously...are you all aged 9 or what?? As soon as Lord Shield or I turn our backs this Bar turns into a little boy's playground. No wonder people like Fljotsdale will be scared off! So Caleb, I tolerated your immature fooling around last time, but now I'm going to have to put some house rules here: NO sexual innuendo *obviously* means that blatant outright sexual references are even more out of the question. I don't care if the minors think it fun, people under age are people under age and we cannot allow that sort of thing here. I have to hand it to you that this time was less bad as your first "little adventure", which was simply tasteless. Besides, it's impossible. Our two barmaids are tielflings and have such a weird anatomy you probably couldn't even figure out where to put what . And that's assuming that they would even want to have *anything* to do with you except from serving you ale. Our barmaids are only there for what their name implies: serving you food and drink! They are, as characters, under LS's control, so don't attempt to take over. Now I'm sorry that you get the longest rant, obviously you weren't alone. Hayashi, I'm sorry but what you ask in your post is disgusting. Do you even realise that REAL people get maimed and tortured as we speak? It's not something to be made fun of, if you want that sort of stuff go to some sick place like OK? I'm sorry if I have to critise your first post ever here, but that sort of thing is just not done OK? So no horrible maiming and tortures in this bar, except if you have a very good *roleplaying* reason. People, this is an IN BG CHARACTER roleplaying Bar, try to post accordingly. So I'm not saying you shouldn't pick a fight, I'm saying give the fight a reason (and not sth. stupid like I hate Drow, BE CREATIVE). You kept saying it was boring here, well, your fooling around DOES get boring after a while doesn't it? Try to roleplay for a minute. Angel, your introduction of Mystra and Elminster is great, but *do* something with it other than saying "Look, Angel knows all these cool guys! And you people don't" I mean seriously, if we really had Mystra walk in here, what would happen? Try to roleplay that!
OK now this rant is in no way meant to insult or offend you or to drive you away, it's just the culmination of my disappointment at the fact that stuff like this keeps happening whenever LS isn't around. Now, go and have fun, and all of you, Ale's on the house the next hour ! AND BEWARE: if I ever see this sort of this going on again, it's atomic wedgies for all of you!

Melusine, Archbabe of the Order of the Holy Flame and the Laughing Hyenas, &
Official Entertainer Elf of the BG2 Bar

Your voice is ambrosia
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