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Old 06-16-2001, 04:16 PM   #6

Posts: n/a
"Thanks LS. I will go setup shop now"

"Also besides being a Silversmith, I am also a Blacksmith, Armorer, Weaponsmith and a Gem cutter. So if anyone needs some work to be done just come up to my shop and I will do the work for you"

"Here are my rules concerning myself and other dwarves."

"Here are The Eleven Dwarven Axioms of Etiquette."

1. Be loyal and honorable to your king.
2. Honor your clan, your family, and your ancestors.
3. Stand by your word.
4. Never forget when you've been wronged.
5. Never turn your back on a friend in need.
6. Anger and Pride are both good for the spirit.
7. In the hearth, the woman is always right.
8. Never come between a dwarf and his weapon.
9. Never make light of another dwarf's beard.
10. Never make light of another dwarf's levelihood.
11. Honor those who have honored themselves.

By Clanggedin. What does a Dwarf have to do to get a drink around here. Say hi to my lover Tess.