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Old 09-05-2001, 06:53 PM   #67
Ace Flashheart

Join Date: July 13, 2001
Location: Manchester, England
Posts: 215
Apraoching the mechanoid the anti-paladin felt a strange sense of aprehension, the twisted features of the metal skull that had been distorted by blade of the sword grinned menicingly at him, a single red orb staring into oblivion.

In one swift motion the black knight brought his hand down into the middle of the robots chest, there was a small tearing sound followed by a snap as the cables surrounding the memory core broke under the pressure of Lord Flash's grip.

There was a moemnts pause as the warrior ran his hand over the symbol carved into the side of device and then another snap as he crushed it in his palm of his hand.

"I *knew* it."

Sholdering hs rune axes the anti-paladin set off, out of the bar and spoke without turning round.

"I'm going outside and I may be some time."

And with that he strode off into the wateland.
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