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Old 09-30-2001, 11:38 PM   #252

Join Date: June 13, 2001
Location: Darkness
Age: 37
Posts: 1,033
OOC: Hmm... from your post, Nanobyte, I'm assuming that the undead are attacking LS. Cackle...

IC: As a small group of undead rushes at the hovercraft, ahead of their fellow attackers, Plague beings to laugh with evil-sounding glee and aims his flaming spear (of death) as if it were a rilfe, then concentrates for several long moments... and a gout of flame shoots from the spear to fly forward and hit the oncoming undead (mostly skeletons with a lesser vampire in their midst). The foul creatures (or at least the vampire) howl in pain, and several of the skeletons fall to the ground, burned, while the vampire rolls around trying to extinguish the flames on it. Plague cackles gleefully and looks around to see if his companions of the hovercraft are ready to attack. Encard readies his wands, but doesn't use them yet, as the distance is still to great and he doesn't want to use the portal trick when there are enemies about that might not die to the initial blast of destruction. Just then, Plague begins to chant something in a deep, echoing voice, and forces begin to build... by then, the vampire, who was not hit by the full power of the flames, has gotten up and now continues his rush forward, although he is now more careful. Encard puts him in line with one of his more nasty-to-undead wands, ready to release a concentrated blast of light when the vampire gets close enough.

Lord of the RaBid Fruit Trees. ChAos rules all! Bwahahahaha...
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