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Old 12-05-2000, 11:05 PM   #1
Elite Waterdeep Guard

Join Date: April 16, 2002
Location: england
Age: 37
Posts: 5

I am in the Crypts... (I am just starting ) and it is dark.
I tried to use a torch... and it doesn't help at all. I tried
casting Torchlight on my character #1 and it didn't help. My #2
character is a Whiskas who has night vision I think.

If I put him in the #1 slot will this help lighten up the dungeons or
just selecting him while I adventure..will this do the same thing?

Please help... I am in the dark... and this could be some weird bug
with Nvidia Geforce2 cards and the crypt...

Yours truely,
Left in the dark
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