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Old 09-19-2001, 01:20 PM   #9
Symbol of Cyric

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Montana, USA
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Originally posted by Zateel:
I can definitely see the point here. Rash action can create enemies that we don't even have (yet). But think also upon this.

We can sit by as the towers fall.

We can sit by as the Capitol is destroyed.

Two weeks later we can sit by as the White House burns.

A month later we can sit by as fourteen elementary schools are bombed in one hour.

etcetera, etcetera

If no more terorist acts were to occur after this point, I agree- let it go for the good of the remaining.

If this success encourages terrorists (and I can't see why it wouldn't- it was a remarkably successful day for them), we will let countless more events go unanswered before finally doing what we will probably be doing shortly anyway. No demands have been asked of the USA by the group; there are no terms to be met. If any are implied, they are not clear.

Am I supporting bloodshed and spending countless billions on an unknown/ unfindable/ miniscule enemy? No. But would any of us calmly turn our back to an angry vicious dog who has already bitten us once? This is a very tough decision that will be made using more information than the public has been given by CNN. I hope that the country and the world can unite behind the final decision for action, whatever it may be, so that once implemented the plan can be successful and hopefully over soon.
HEAR, HEAR! A terrific, concise way of saying what I have been trying to say, and will continue to say. You don't ask a rabid dog what you have done to hurt his self-esteem to cause him to bite you. You do not expose other body parts for him to savage. You get your gun and put him down.
Thanks, Zateel

Unstinting Gaurdian of Children
Defender of Those Unable To

To Err is Human To Forgive Divine, However Neither is U.S. Marine Corps Policy. Nuke'm til the damn camels glow.
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