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Old 02-03-2004, 11:37 AM   #1
Timber Loftis
40th Level Warrior

Join Date: July 11, 2002
Location: Chicago, IL
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J.P. Suarez, head of EPA enforcement, has retired to become general counsel to Sam's Club. New EPA Administrator Leavitt has not scheduled a briefing with the enforcement dept., as is normally customary. In the absence of an administrator pushing to file cases, the enforcement arm of EPA is basically adrift in a sea of unknowing.

Suarez was reportedly a strong enforcer and kept career staff committed. The concern one veteran enforcement official stated was that once Suarez is gone, a new enforcement administrator will not understand the need to stand up (erm... constantly fight with) the OMB and the White House. His departure is seen as removing the best hope to protect the enforcement program from the Bush admin.

There are more far-reaching concerns. In January, 30 enforcement officials retired. Some claimed dissatisfaction with Bush. Rumor has it that a large buyout package was offered agency-wide, encouraging many to scoop up the money and scoot.

Suarez claims he is leaving to join a great company. He recognizes it may look bad in an election year, but says Sam's Club would not have held the position open until November for him. He claims a depth of talent remains in the enforcement division and that EPA will not "skip a beat."

I am dubious.

There may be some good news, though -- EPA hiring freezes since before I graduated law school have kept many young attorneys from getting a good job with EPA. So, looks like they'll be hiring now.
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