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Old 11-18-2001, 10:13 AM   #38
Fzoul Chembryl

Join Date: March 29, 2001
Location: Montréal, Canada
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Originally posted by Ronn_Bman:

AH-HAH! Now we get to the root of it. It's all Hollywood's

Bush w/couldn't fire a nuke without consulting Congress just as he does with everything else, but maybe, in theory... I find it hard to believe their aren't some pretty serious guidelines. I'll have to do some research. He'll consult Congress though if for no other reason than he won't want to take all the blame and there certainly won't be any glory [img]smile.gif[/img]

[ 11-15-2001: Message edited by: Ronn_Bman ]

Yes, it's all Hollywood's fault (well, not totally, I don't base my information solely on Crimson Tide) [img]smile.gif[/img]

The fact remains that under the Constitution the President as the responsability to defend the country with any means available to him. In the case of an attack at 4:00, he would not consult with Congress or the Senate, he's just say "yes, retaliate" to the watch officier in Cheyenne Mountain and from there, the whole sequence of action would go.

As we speak, Bush can use Nuclear weapons to fight terrorism without discussing it with either Congress or the Senate. He's already go the approval of both bodies to fight "terrorism with ALL means available to him". So, if he desired to do so, he could authorize a nuclear strike on that 30sq miles of mountain and nobody in the US chambers could say anything about it because they already approved it!
An idiot will only play Russian roulette with an automatic pistol! Thank God they only do it once! <img border=\"0\" title=\"\" alt=\"[Smile]\" src=\"smile.gif\" />
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