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Old 01-20-2007, 07:39 PM   #6
Dungeon Master

Join Date: September 3, 2006
Location: Crematoria
Age: 48
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Originally posted by PurpleXVI:

If you play politics entirely to "win," just to pander to what the public likes at the moment, you may as well leave. It shouldn't be about winning, it should be about getting someone competent with a desire to do good things for the people leading the nation.
Well, if you want competent then Hillary is definately out. If you don't play to win then you will most assuredly lose. Think about it for a second, what will happen when the dems run the Obama/Clinton ticket and lose. If Jesse Jackson couldn't do it and Gereldine Ferraro couldn't do it what on earth makes you think that putting up a double losing ticket will do it? They will just lose twice as badly and condem us to 4 more years of cronyism, war and general stupidity running the country. The general populace is just as prejudice and sexist as ever. No amount of rose tinting and vaseline on the lense will change the cold hard facts of it. You may feel diffrently, but I wouldn't bet against Vegas on this one.
......So I sing this song out loud cause it takes away the sting...I got cigarettes and whiskey and they fix everything....go here to hear the rest.
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