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Old 09-16-2003, 09:26 PM   #13
Ironworks Moderator

Join Date: March 1, 2001
Location: Midlands, South Carolina
Age: 48
Posts: 14,759
cloud ff7 38:

1. I will let you in on some information. I have counted at least five members of Ironworks who are members of the L.D.S. church, commonly called Mormons. Notice this rule in our TOS: Be Clean: Adhere to decency and refrain from abusive or hateful language, while cussing isn't censored, please don't direct the words towards someone in a hateful or demeaning way.

If this happens again, then I will assume that you have purposely ignored what our Webmaster has asked of us.

2. Being a Mormon and having served a mission, I know that missionaries of our church are not allowed to leave their appartments until 9:30am. Tracting at 8am is against the rules. If you are telling the truth about this occurance, then one of two things has happened.

  • The people are not Mormon. There are Churches out there that are calling themselves the "reformed" church of LDS...a breakoff from us and the true Mormons have nothing to do with them. Their base is in Missouri. If not them, then you have mistaken JWs for Mormons.

  • If they are true missionaries from the Church of LDS, then they are breaking the rules of thier mission and need to be reported. Give me the city and state that you are living in, and also the street they were tracting and I will report them to their superior for you. There is nothing I hate more than a missionary breaking the rules, and I will put a stop to it now, if you want me to. I have some ability to get the message to the right people in a matter of a phone call.

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