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Old 08-16-2001, 07:11 PM   #4
Symbol of Cyric

Join Date: May 24, 2001
Location: The Lands of Forever
Age: 39
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I've never actually done it myself but if you're going to dual Imoen I would say Fighter/Cleric or even just Cleric. The only thing you'd gain by being a Fighter/Cleric would be weapon specialization since you won't gain the ability to use swords or better weapons than Maces, morning stars, warhammers, etc. Clerics can hold their own in a fight because they can use heavy armor and have some nice defensive spells. A fighter/cleric would PROBABLY get more HP and faster though (unless I don't properly understand the HP gaining system with Multi-classes :\)

I would say something that could heal itself to stay alive or dish out enough that taking damage is only a minor possibility, thus leading to either Cleric (or cleric hybrid) or a Fighter/Mage.



I am Jafin, arch-mage of the HADB clan!
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