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Old 10-16-2002, 10:40 AM   #4
Jack Burton

Join Date: October 16, 2001
Location: PA
Age: 43
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Originally posted by Finn:
<font color="cyan">I think it would be interesting to have a JLA movie. Even better if it was an animated version instead of live action because I don't think live actors can do the characters justice. Take X-Men for example, alot of the characters turned out 2 dimensional. Sabretooth in the comic book(drawn by Mike Textiera) was this cunning and sinister dude whereas the Sabretooth in the movie was more of a brain-damaged grunt. IMHO, casting Helle Berry as Storm was a mistake, it would've been better if someone statuesqe and commanding like Angela Basset played the role. These are just some examples.

What with the sudden interest in comic book heroes on film these days, I think a Justice League movie is long overdue. </font color>
an even better example of a highly intelligent (or at least incredibly cunning) villain that was turned into a complete moron in the movie version you can look at Bane from Batman and robin (don't look too closely, because this movie has forever turned me off to Joel Shumaker films(despite a good job with the Lost Boys), and there are WAY too many crappy things in the movie to even begin to make up for the good (alicia silverstone, who still didn't make any sense as batgirl- and was all worng for the part)). the new Superman movie got canned (it was originally slated to have Nicholas Cage as Supes, but I've heard rumors of a batman/superman movie, it may be good if they can get a decent director, and plausible script) some other comic movies that were really poorly done, are the punisher (he didn't even have the skull on his chest), fantastic four (the movie was so bad they canned the project a few weeks before the movie was completed) the second and third batman movies, the original batman movie (with Adam West as batman), and several more I can't think of ATM
"Any attempt to cheat, especially with my wife, who is a dirty, dirty, tramp, and I am just gonna snap." Knibb High Principal - Billy Madison
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