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Old 10-26-2001, 05:24 PM   #8

Join Date: March 11, 2001
Location: North Carolina USA
Age: 57
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Originally posted by Prime2U:
If you look back through history, the single best jump starter for the ecomony is....a war. I'm not going to get into a lot of the specifics on why this is, cause i don't have time to do all the research to make sure I line it all out accurately. But if you check it out, you'll find that after every was we've had a period of huge economic growth. WW2 spelled the end for the depression in a major way as just one example.

The same was true after WWI, and going back even further, after the Civil War, though that boom took sometime to spread to the South. We won't see that kind of benefit because our goal here is to return to normal. We won't be opening Afghany markets to US goods with a huge profit ratio, but a winning war still has economic benefits. This is why you didn't see a post-Vietnam boom.

I think the key here is that the population backs the war effort. If confidence is restored in the US through these actions, then the economy will thrive. People will again feel safe and spend more. They won't be saving up for an Anthrax Shelter, they'll be buying their kids the "Commandos: Fall of Afghanistan" playstation game, gamecards, and action figures.(Wow! I got the Osama hologram)

I do believe this current action can have a large positive effect on our economy, as long as we don't do it "half-way". If we take action, we have to follow it through to it's end. No half-measures.

"Your right to swing your fist ends where my nose begins."

[This message has been edited by Ronn_Bman (edited 10-26-2001).]
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