Thread: Warhammer
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Old 09-16-2003, 06:41 PM   #9
White Dragon

Join Date: April 1, 2001
Location: UK
Age: 43
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I've collected Warhammer for 12 years, and 40K for four... I used to work at my local store, but I was declared a heretic for claiming that Lord of the Rings was a better game than either. Seriously, has anyone tried 1,500 point games of LotR - with no 'named' heroes allowed? You can form REGIMENTS! You can cover 6' by 4' of a board with Goblins! It's GREAT!

As an aside... try doing what the rulebook suggests and doubling the amount of enemy models in scenarios. Sometimes Aragorn dies. Heh. We once got together all the models we could get, and re-fought Helm's Deep with doub;e the amount of defenders, but quadruple the amount of attackers. That's 200 Uruk-Hai vs. 16 Elves and 24 Men! [img]smile.gif[/img]

Timber - are you using the rulebook Vindicare Assassin, or the Vindicare Assassin from the Daemonhunters codex? I mean, I've seen Vindicare do sone really nasty things... kill a Hive Tyrant in three turns, take out heavy weapon teams (he can do that)... if your enemy uses powerful HQ the Vindicare is the Man. If not... if not, then why is he there?!? He's an ASSASSIN - if there's no-one to assassinate, he's either AWOL or he's gotten lost! [img]smile.gif[/img]

Watch out for the 4th Edition of 40K. Rapid Fire is one rule that's being overhauled. Expect to see close combat become even less beardy and tanks to become a bit more mobile. 'S gonna be cool! [img]smile.gif[/img]

[ 09-16-2003, 06:45 PM: Message edited by: Tancred ]
\"HELP! I\'ve superglued myself to a flaming bowling ball!\"
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