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Old 02-10-2009, 02:55 PM   #40
Bastet - Egyptian Cat Goddess

Join Date: September 5, 2001
Location: Calgary, AB
Age: 49
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Default Re: Teaching enviromentalism "indoctrination"?

I don't really like the term Global Warming. As I don't believe all areas are feeling the this warming that people are talking about. Some places are actually breaking records for how cold some days are. Some places are getting record snowfalls so global warming is a myth. But lets talk about Climate Change the weather can be pretty messed up at times. I think any one living in the Gulf of Mexico area would say that they are getting an unusual amount of hurricanes. People in Newfoundland have occasionally had to climb out there window to shovel snow, the bonus is you get to open the door and stick your beers in the snow and ice. Is man somewhat responsible, well I am sure we help it along slightly. Are we going to be living in temperatures the same as when the dinosaurs and 45 foot snakes at over 2000lbs roamed the earth anytime soon. Well most likely not. Should we try and cut back on our admissions and waste were possible. Well this is a no brainer if you agree if it is affecting climate change or not. People with breathing problems will appreciate it if the air is cleaner, I like fresh air too. If we keep throwing out all our stuff and not recycling we will eventually use up our space. I only get about 1 bag of garbage/week with recycling and we use disposable diapers. The fuzzybuns diapers were about $20/diaper so seemed like quite a bit of money up front but well worth the investment as the adjustable size and reusability saved a bundle over the course of a year. I most likely would have spent twice as much or more on diapers without disposable ones. I am not going to give up air conditioning or heating but can I adjust the temperature within 1degree I will save an extra 7% electricity. Still comfortable. I can turn off lights and my computer monitor when I am not using them, and I can switch to energy efficient bulbs, etc. This is just to name a few and everyone can do there bit. For recycling we don't have curbside pickup for that but I take all my cans, papers, cardboard, milk containers, glass to the big green bins everytime I need to pick up groceries. Going to pick up groceries and takeing the recycling was just a habit to get into and doesn't take up much time. Oh and I do take public transit as much as possible despite my dislike for being jammed on there next to all you guys. I am sure the feeling is mutual LOL.

Last edited by pritchke; 02-10-2009 at 03:00 PM.
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