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Old 08-10-2011, 02:04 PM   #132
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Default Re: New NASA Data Debunks Global Warming

Originally Posted by Micah Foehammer View Post

And the first part of that comment basically summed up the gist of this thread, aside from the occassional "Mr Wizard on crack" post.

I just wanted to check the source was all. I've been to a lot of CC/GW websites and it's no surprise that the tone and contents vary all over the place. I just wanted to know where you got that from.
Some of those sites may no longer exist. Some of them were likely like my website, up for a year, and then gone, or put up by quacks, and taken down in embarrassment, etc etc. I'm sure there are a lot of original movies by the ScyFy channel that will come across the same way eventually, produced by quacks to promote awareness of a situation that may or may not exist, with side affects that may or may not occur, in a time frame that has yet to be decided.

As I posted earlier, any major storm can be considered to be proof, despite the fact that these storms have been occurring for who knows how long. The tornado that swept Dorothy to Oz was likely an F5, but in the current environmental science environment, that was hard to type, glad I didn't have to say it, any F5 tornado can be considered proof that "they" were right. It wouldn't matter if any of those conditions, or something entirely different were to happen, they can say "We told you so".

Instead of "OMG, if we don't stop, we're going to have an Ice Age!!!", it should be "Current trends in climate patterns indicate that we could be on our way to another Ice Age. As I, and others have pointed out, if we did have an Ice Age, it wouldn't be the first one. Unless GCC scientists are going to attribute those to causes other than natural, then one would have to surmise that warming/cooling trends are indeed the natural order. While they may seem disastrous, they are, in fact, the way things are supposed to be, and these patterns would repeat themselves whether or not man existed, or had technology beyond fire and pointy sticks.

This is the thorn in my side about GCC science; that the planet doing what it has always done is something that mankind has caused. We can't even document that we're accelerating the process since, as Azred pointed out, I believe, we don't have an Earth with no mankind to compare it to. That is the real Inconvenient Truth, we have no way to know whether or not we are accelerating the natural cycle or not, and assuming we are is just as bad as assuming we aren't.
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