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Old 02-09-2009, 01:59 PM   #24
Emerald Dragon

Join Date: December 18, 2003
Location: Maryland USA.
Age: 62
Posts: 993
Default Re: Teaching enviromentalism "indoctrination"?

Being "Older" ...MUCH older than many who may read these forums, I lived through the 1970's which were basically a mirror to what you are seeing today. We were taught and had it drilled into us by Well meaning but misguided people who were convinced that:
1. A global Ice Age was imminent (and it was being caused by man)
2. All the Oil in the world would be used up by 1999
3. The entire Amazon junge would be gone by 1990
4. We would be starving because we could not feed all the people by 1999
5. Florida and most major coastal areas would be under water due to rising oceans from all the new formed ice at the poles by 1999

Watch the movie "Soylent Green" some will give you a view of what we were being told WOULD happen.

Now Im older (47) and I attend College part time working for additional degrees and I see the same sorts of over hype and alarmism based on just as much of junk science as some of those same people were using in the 1970's. The current "Global Climate Issue" (thats the current code for what used to be Global warming but which had to be abandoned in the face of the evidence) is basically nothing more than a money scam. It is a way for a few people to become hyper wealthy at the expense of many wrapped in a warm and fuzzy sounding wrapper.

I find it curious that the people who share my views on the climate are actually Meteorologists who teach the classes at the community colleges and State Colleges where I attend night classes. I have had a chance to meet several of them and many work for organizations like NOA, NASA, and NaRL here in the DC area. It is usually a pony-tailed hippy wannabe with a non-science degree that is pushing the "Global Climate" issue.

I am all for having clean efficient technology but see no reason whatsoever to abandon a Capitalistic Market force driven economy to do so. Efficient = lower cost in the long run = higher profits, but by forcing companies to meet impossible technical challenges on an unsupportable artificial time scale is just stupid....

there I said my

Properly taught science is a god thing, promoting junk science which all to often is what happens in our schools
is just bad. So I voted yes. I just want them to focus on teaching the old basics, reading, writing and Arithmatice, add in un-adulterated History, Geography, and science
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Last edited by MagiK; 02-09-2009 at 02:04 PM.
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