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Old 03-14-2001, 06:50 AM   #1
Horus - Egyptian Sky God

Join Date: March 4, 2001
Location: either CA or MO
Age: 42
Posts: 2,674
Armor of Defender: Fflar's Savior


This suit of armor appears to be ancient and battle worn. Though it is not the scratchs and decays showed its age, because the magical ageless armor is indestructable, it is the design and symbols on the chest plate showed it to be millenniums old.

It is believed, among the occasion elven groups of Sembia coast and some of the older humans, the plate belonged to Fflar, the elven hero of the great City of Love, Myth Drannor. It was enchanted by Lady Steel, the ruler of Myth Drannor, as a gift to the couragous soldier.

Myth Drannor was a city of wonder, it was established by the elves who once lived in the forest of now Dalesland, and it was opened for trade among people such as humans, dwarves, gnomes and all other goodly races. The city became the heaven of bards, poetors, magicians, researchers, sages, merchants, arcane knowledge and all such. The splendid and bueaty of the ancient city was unsurpassed even by today's Watedeep.

In 712 DR, the Army of Darkness began its assault led by nycaloth, a demonkind creature (writor note: anyone can provide more specific information? thx in advance) The battle lasted two years until eventually, the marvelous city fell to the endless darkness. Fflar, the elven captain, was one of the many many heros died defending their beloved city. According to the legends, he wore this platemail, and ride into battles until his last day. When he was battling the unusual monsterous nycaloths, he could always took hits beyond any mortal's endurance, yet he survived the assaults and he even once managed to slay a nycaloth with bare hands. That day, his fellow elves and many humans who witnessed it were morally boosted, they yelled and sung their leader's heroic action while driven their blades into the attckers' hearts.

(note: 714 DR, Myth Drannor fell. Silver of Seven, a group of wizards and warriors from Silverymoon succesfully opened a gateway to Myth Drannor and rescued twelve elves and humans.)

Type: Platemail
AC: 3
Special: this plate is extremely strong and flexible (due to the magical enchantment) in structure, therefore, it can held lots of damage. Also, due to its magical natual, it has a special hatred towards demonoid creatures.

10% slashing resistence
10% crushing resistence
10% pirecing resistence

any demanoid creatures attack the wielder will suffer -2 to hit and -4 dmg, and withing 5 ft of wielder will suffer 1 point of holy magic damage per round.
-4 encounter reaction when wearing the plate.

Usable by:
fighters only
good aligment

[This message has been edited by 250 (edited 03-14-2001).]
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