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Old 09-16-2003, 03:12 PM   #18
Iron Throne Cult

Join Date: January 2, 2003
Location: Big Castle in the Sky
Age: 36
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I know people like this, I've had friends who had nearly done it and have lived but the major difficulty is that no matter how you try and convince them, they won't listen. I never understood it myself, they are stuck with their view of things and it can't be changed as easy as a few words. All I can honestly say is the most crucial thing you can do is gather his or her friends and family and show how they do have an important role in each life.

Sorry, but in these situations Azrael, myself or you, anyone, there aren't words good enough that we can use to help and that is why you have to do more than just give words of advice.

Hope this helps, if not, sorry.

[ 09-16-2003, 03:13 PM: Message edited by: Gangrell ]
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