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Old 09-19-2003, 05:02 PM   #3
Raistlin Majere

Join Date: March 26, 2002
Location: Finland
Age: 36
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i dont remember where i read it, but remember reading from somewhere that black holes produce some ultra-low frequencie sounds that travel through space. how it could escape the immense pull of the black hole, well the only explenation i could come up with would be that since light is something like elektrons and stuff like that, thus it could be sucked in to the black hole, while sound is just different wave lenghts, or something simliar. not very good, i know, but thats what id come up with if someone were to ask me...about that "sound waves cant move in vacuum of space", dont they(dont ask me who) have some satellite dishes to take in and identify any possible sound waves, were they to come from outer space...?
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