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Old 08-16-2011, 08:11 PM   #164
Drow Priestess

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Ironworks Forum Re: New NASA Data Debunks Global Warming

Originally Posted by Cerek View Post
No more tired than the argument that chicken little saved the forest by pointing at the sky.
When is Chicken Little ever proved to be correct? At what point has the sky fallen? Answer: the Chicken Littles can never be correct because the sky will always fall at some undetermined point in the future and they keep pushing out the dates or changing the criteria that determine when the sky has fallen.

Consider the change from "global warming" to "climate change". Too much rain? Oh, that's climate change and is caused by man. Too little rain? Oh, that's climate change and is caused by man. Does your rainfall match the average for the last 50 years? Oh, at some point climate change will kick in and then you'll have either too much or too little rain but they really aren't sure which it will be. The situation has been set up so nebulously that they can never be wrong. If we disagree with them they say "then prove us to be wrong" but you can't--you can't disprove an entire range of outcome scenarios.
Everything may be explained by a conspiracy theory. All conspiracy theories are true.

No matter how thinly you slice it, it's still bologna.
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